❌Part 14❌

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Crystal P.O.V

He loves me? I mean he always told me that he likes me but love?
"I think I should go home." I said to Troy who looked kinda sad. I didn't know what to answer him when he told me about his feelings. I'm not sure how I feel about him, the only problem is trust. Troy noded and said: "Alright but I'll walk you back." I looked at him and we walked back. After 5 minutes we were at my house. "Bye." I said to Troy, who was looking at the ground. "Goodbye." He said and waved with his hand and walked away. I was feeling sorry but I was not gonna lie to him, not like he did. It's weird that I haven't see him with other girls and he didn't hangout with his friend anymore. I was concerned about Troy, I didn't want to think about him but I couldn't control it. I always catch myself thinking about him. I heard my phone vibrate, deep down I wanted it to be Troy but it was Luke.

Hey <3 I just wanted to tell you goodnight. xx

I was feeling bad for Luke, I literally used him just to make Troy jealous. What's wrong with me. After looking at the message for like 2 minutes I decided to text back and do the right thing.

Thanks <3 but I think you don't need to play my fake boyfriend anymore. xx

I know that was the right thing to do. Seconds later Luke texted me back.

Ou.. What happened do you fancy him ?

I widen my eyes in shock, why does every one think that.It was annoying. I know that he loves me but do I ? I don't know


I simply texted. I put my phone away and decided to go sleeping. At least my bed was comfortable.


Today was the last day of school before holidays I was really happy but at the same time I was sad because I was not going to see my friends, they were all going abroad. These holidays are gonna be boring ones as well.

"Crystal!" I heard someone calling me.I turned around and it was Riley, she looked terified and was running towards me. "What happened?" I asked in shock. "Troy he-he's not doing well." She shrieked out of breath. "What?" I asked and raised my eyebrows. "Come with me." She said and pulled me by my arm. "Slow down !" I screamed at Riley because she was pulling me very hard but she didn't bother, she just kept on running. Once Riley finally stopped running I looked over her shoulders and saw Zac holding Troy and a lot of people were watching. "Zac I brought Crystal !" Riley had to speak in a loud voice because everyone was talking. "Crystal, come over here !" Zac screamed at me. I walked to him. "What exactely happened?" I asked him I was still in shock because Troy couldn't hold himself. "I walked with Troy to school and then once we were here he just started crying and he almost faded. I was so scared becuase he changed mood from one second to the other." Zac told me the story. "And why did you call me?" I asked. "Wait I'm not done yet." Zac said, looked at me and continued to tell the story. "I was holding him and I asked him repeatedly what was wrong but he just kept calling your name." He said. "My name?" I asked just to be sure. "Yes, I'm as confused as you are.Did something happen?" He asked me and for a second I though about really telling what happened yesterday but then I decided not to. "Can I talk to him...alone?" I refused to answer Zac's question. "Ehmm..alright but you have to hold him." He said and I noded. He gave me Troy who was half asleep and didn't understand the situation.

"Can everyone just leave now!" Zac screamed at the people who were crowded around. They all walked away. Easier than expected. Zac walked away with them. Troy's head was on my knees because I was sitting on the ground, so that I could hold him.

"Troy?!" I asked and looked at him. "Troy?" I asked again and slapped him, don't worry it wasn't hard, just to wake him up and it worked. Troy opened his eyes and the beautiful blue from his eyes appeared."Crystal?" He asked confused. "Yeah.." I said and looked at him. "What happened?" He asked me. "Good question, I don't know it myself." I smilled at him. "Can I go home?" He asked me and looked like a lost baby. "Sure." I said and didn't care about school right now.

"Can you walk by yourself?" I asked him as he wanted to get up. "Not sure yet." He smiled and was looking fine. He stood up and felt right back on me, literally on me and I was facing him and he was one inch away from my face. "Troy-" I wanted to say something but he interuped me. "No, don't talk." He said and looked at me deep in the eyes. He leaned in and I though he was gonna kiss me on the lips but he just kissed me on the cheek, I was disapoinnted, I was ready to feel his lips on mine. I had the desire too kiss him but why?

Troy leaned back and looked at me. "I know you wanted to kiss me." He smirked. I see he's doing well again. I smirked at him back. "Why can-" I was just about to say something but he interupted me again.. "Don't lie say it!" He still smiled. "Troy stop interupting me." I said annoyed. "Alright but I won't give up until you say it!" He said and pounted his lips. I looked at his lips and had the urge to still kiss him. "I want to kiss you." I said. "I knew it." He said and smiled. And that's how our lips met.


I had tingles in my stomach and cringed while writing this chapter 😉🙈❤🃏

Thank you all for reading my story. 🌀❤❤




Xoxo: Lara

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