❌Part 10❌

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Troy P.O.V

This wasn't meant to happen. Yes I made out with that Samantha girl but only because of the boys. I don't know, why I give in so quickly. It only took Zac to say "Make out with Samantha Livsey" and i did it. I'm such an idiot. Crystal wasn't meant to see it, but she did and the look on her face broke my heart. I wanted to tell her but Camilla hold me back and told me to leave her I can still talk to her tomorrow. So I let her walk away.

The last couples classes I couldn't concentrate. I tried not to do it as obvious but unfortunatly my teacher noticed and sended me straight to detention. Not a surprise at all, the detention room is like my second house.

Detention is up now. I was one minute late, I entered the room and couldn't believe my eyes. What are Crystal AND Samantha doing here. It's like my worst nightmare. Samantha literally thought I liked her or shall I say she thinks I love her. All eyes were turned to me. I saw Crystal's eyes widen. Being my lovely self I decided to sit beside her. Detention is like were we reunite, which is funny.
I heard her sigh. Then she did something unexpected,she stood up and changed her seat. I looked at her in the eyes and saw disappointment in them. "Troy." I hear someone whispering my name, I turn around and knew that Samantha was calling me. she waved at me but looked confused, maybe she thought I was going to sit beside her.
Well, nope. Crystal's still number one. I jusr ignored her and started to look back.

Only 10 minutes had passed. I decided to write Crystal a little note. I took a paper out of my backpack and wrote on it.

Why did you go away ? :(
It said on it. I passed it to Crystal and she read it. seconds later she started writing on it.

Because you were beside me.
She said, well wrote. I jokingly wrote down:
Ouch. :( You hurt me :p
Her face was always straight tough. She didn't change expression at all.
It's not like you haven't done that before.
That did actually really hurt. I looked at her and decides to leave it with passing notes.
Because there was as always nothing to do, I just sat there. In that room not daring to look back. Neither to Crystal nor to Samantha.
Finally class was over, I saw Crystal walking by but I didn't want to annoy her, how she calls it.

So I just started walking by myself. "Troy! Troy!" i heard that annoying voice screaming behind me. I took a deep breath, put on a fake smile and turned around. As expected it was Samantha. "Oh hey." I said to her and acted surprised. "Why didn't you sit beside me or waited for me?" She asked. She was very annoying, she reminded me of Tiffany. I laughed at my thoights. "Why are you laughing?" She asked again, god just shut your mouth already. "Why did I need to sit beside you?" I asked grinning back. "Well you kissed me and told me you love me." She said pissed. "And you believed me?" I asked her. "Yes!" Samantha started screaming. While she was screaming, I started laughing. Girls can be very stupid and naive. "What kind of person are you?" She said and almost started crying.

Even though I hate seeing girls crying I had to laugh. "This Samantha is the Marble Hill School and I'm the douchebag of the school. Welcome." I said to her and spread out my arms to show the school. "And you are proud of it?" She asked shocked. That was a good question actually. I noded to her just to answer and then I walked home and left Samantha alone Once I was at home I started thinking about that question again. Am I proud of it? Obviously Crystal doesn't like my douchebag side. I think I messed it up now, because of Samantha.


I couldn't sleep one minute. I thought about Crystal all the time, I can't understand why she's always on my mind, ít's getting weird. I went to school and saw Crystal's back facing me. She was standing with her three friends, I made my way to her. I decided to wrap my arms around her waist., so I did. She immediately turned around. She saw me and pull my arms away. "Back off! What do you want?!" She said angry. I didn't expect that at all. Well I could guess, that she doesn't like me anymore. "I just wanted to say hello. No need to be scared." I smiled and kinda acted infront of her friends. I saw Crystal's face raise with anger. "Alright you can go now." She said to me.I put on a sad face. Crystal sighed. "Troy you know what you did."She said. "Troy, don't worry you can walk with us." Said a friend of Crystal ,was it Camilla or Zoe, anyways she was there too, when I was ice skating. "What?!" I heard Crystal say even more angry. "Yes." Said her friend and grinned.

As we were walking I wanted to tease Crystal more. I wwalked beside her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, just so see her reaction. My lips where tingeling from that kiss, which always happens when I kiss her. "Stop." She hissed at me. I just grinned and continued walking, I should always hang around with her, when she's around her friends.

I think her friends like me more than Crystal. I just wish, that she never saw that kiss with Samantha, I've hurt her and I've'never meant to do that.

In my mind it clicked, I knew that I had to decide between my friends or Crystal...


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Xoxo: Lara

Douchebags don't change❌ • Troy Glass FF •Where stories live. Discover now