❌Part 7❌

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Crystal P.O.V

"I'm losing my mind." said Troy and held his head. "When will you understand?" He then asked. "What did I tell you neither look nor talk to me."I said. "We can be friends even tough I know you're gonna mess it up but still." I said to him and reached my hand out. "Alright." He said and took my hand to shake mine. "But for real. how do you do it, that I always meet you?" I asked him. First in the mall and now here. "Well....uhmmm can we not talk about it." He said and scratched his neck. I held my hand to my mouth. "You really stalk me." I asked shocked but also kinda joking. "Well, I wouldn't call it "stalking" more like "listening and watching"." He said. "Very funny." I said without changing facial expression. I forgot about Camilla and turned around. She still was in the same position as before. "Camilla?" I asked and waved my hand infront of her face. "Yes." She asked and looked at me. "You good?" I asked just to be sure. "Yep, everything's fine." She said. "I told you Troy is annoying." I said to her. "I'm still here!" Troy said. "I know." I said without turning to him. He sighed and then skated away. I've noticed that he could actually skate very well.

" I still think it's cute from him." Camilla whispred in my ear. "Do you?" I asked her and she noded. "I mean I've told him, that we can be friends. "Yeah, sure "friends"." she said wiggeling her eyebrows.
"C'mon you know he wants to be more than friends." She added. "Ou, shut up." I said and hold my hand infront of her mouth. Camilla then took it away. We skated for the rest of the time. At 5 PM I arrived home. I decided to take a shower. After taking the shower and put on my py's I checked my phone and I got a message.
Hopefully it is that cute guy.

Heii,what's up beautiful <3

Aww really cute but why is the number unknown. Just to be sure I answered with:

Who are you?

I'm that cute guy from the ice skating rink ;))
He answered. So it's got to be him. That boy really texted me.

So you're Luke :))

I texted and smiled. Not even a minute later he texted me back.

No. Now I'm disappointed...

Now I'm confused.
What do you mean no?

God. It's Troy. <3

He texted. What Troy?! Now I'm screwed, how did he get my number? What if he always texts me.

How did you get my number?

I asked him.


I told you it's called "listening and watching".

He texted back. So it means that he saw my number on Luke's phone To be honest that's smart. That cute text was from Troy. I added his number to my phone.


Well now that we're friends...Can we hang out tomorrow?" he asked me and I agreed. As long as he doesn't want to kiss me it's alright. We made up the time and I gave him my adress, because he wants to come to my place. After texting Troy I went to sleep.

I woke up at 9 AM, the next day. Troy said he would come at 2 PM and he also said that he'd bring movies. I guess it's gonna turn into a movie afternoon. I stayed in bed on my phone for almost 2 hours and then I got ready. I heard the door bell ring and I opened the door. Troy stood infront of me. "Hi" I said to him."Hello." he said and hugged me. I probably made the weirdest face ever, because I was confused from his action. Luckily he couldn't see my face. The hug was very cute tough. After hugging me, he entered my house and we went upstairs to my room.

"Have you brought the movies?" I asked him. He took them all out and noded. I looked at the different movies and they were all horror movies."These are all horror movies." I said to him. "I know." He said and smirked. I sighed. I hate horror movies but of course he brought some along. "Well which one do you wanna watch?"He asked me. I have no clue. "Ehmm..this one." I said and pointed to one, I didn't even look. I took the movie and played it. I have a television in my room. "Troy you just need to know, I'm scared." I said and laughed. "Don't be scared. I'm here." he said and looked at me with these incredible eyes. He put his arm around my shoulders but I didin't care, it actually felt good.

Everytime something scary happened, I jumped. Once I heard Troy say: "You're so cute." and gave me a smile. After the movie finally finished, I wanted to get up but Troy was still holding me. "Troy I need to get up." I said. "No, pleaseee." He said and did the puppy face. I smiled and got back into his arms.

We decided to watch another horror movie. Then it was already 6 PM and Troy had to leave. "I had fun today." I said to him as I walked him to the door. "Me too." said Troy. I opened the door. "Bye. See you tomorrow." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek, which was really cute.


Part 7 is up everybody !!

Hope you like it.




Xoxo: Lara

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