❌Part 2❌

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Crystal P.O.V

With Camila I am now making my way to the mall. We always go with the bus.
After 15 minutes whe arrived.
We enter the huge mall.
"Starbucks !" We both scream.
It's like a routine, first is always starbucks and then we take a look at make-up, clothes, shoes.. etc.

"I think I'll might go with the Pumpkin Spice Latte." I said to Camila.
"Yeah me too." she said.
It's cold outside and a PSL is the perfect thing.

With our starbucks in our hands, we make our way to Forever 21.
There is a like a passway which connects two malls.
We need to pass this passway, this is the most crowded way.
A lot of people walk pass here without paying attention.

"Crystal do you remember that one time when we we're stuck in the elevator of this mall and we had to-"
Nooo! My starbucks!!
Someone bumped into me and my starbucks fell over this person.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." I said to that person.
I was shocked at first when I looked at that person.

It was Troy.
"It's alright Crystal." he said and smirked.
I looked confused to Camila.
He stood up and his shirt was soaked with coffee.
"I guees I need to wash that." he said still smirking.
"Again I'm so sorry but we need to go." I said because I saw Camila standing there without knowing what to do.
After saying that I realized that Troy wasn't alone here.
He was with one of his friend I think his name is Scott or something.

"Can we join you ?" Troy asked.
I looked shocked to Camila.
"I'm sorry ?" I asked and looked for the first time in his eyes.
They we're a really nice blue.
"Yeah, like going shopping with you and you're friend." he said.
"I think we're good," I said and grabbed Camila's arm, to drag her with me, I just wanted to walk away.

Troy P.O.V

I am at the mall with my friend Scott because I know Crystal is going to be here.
Talking about Crystal, I can see her on the passway.
She's focused on her friend, maybe she's telling something to her.
They we're both holding starbucks in the hand.
"How do you wanna get her attention ?" My friend asked me.
"I don't know. I guess we'll just see." I said to him.
"Just make sure you have her wrapped around your finger by next week." Scott said.
I noded.
Yes, maybe I am a douche, but I don't like relationships.
In the end it turned out, like a competition of who gets the hotter girl.
I am not gonna lie, Crystal is good looking.

This is my oppurtunity.
She's coming closer.
Once she's almost in front of me I "accidentaly bump her".
Her starbucks spilled all over me but I didn't care.
She told me, that she was sorry, but it doesn't matter.
I asked her: "Can we join you ?" She looked confused and shocked. I mean we've never really spoke to eachother, but there's always a first time for something. Am I right ?
"I'm sorry?" She then said.
Guess she didn't understand me.
"Yeah, like going shopping with you and you're friend."
"I think we're good" Crystal said and then she left.

Wait, she said no ? To me ?!
As she was walking away, I just stood there in the middle of the passyway frozen.
No one ever rejected me.
I should not overthink, maybe she said no, because she doesn't know me so well. Yeah that has to be it!
"Dude, she said no." I heard Scott say behind me.
"I know" I told him.

Crystal P.O.V

We finally arrived at Forever 21.
Camila and I only looked around, but didn't buy anything.
And so it was, with all the other stores we just looked around.
After the mall, Camila came to my house.

"What do you wanna do ?" I asked Camila.
"How about Prank calling people ?" She asked me.
When we are bored we always do that.
"Perfect." I smiled to her.

"Let's call Tiffany." Camila said, while grinning.
Tiffany is the most annoying girl of the school, the only thing you can do is hate her. She was obvioulsy in love with Troy and I think they would be perfect together.
"Let's do this." I said. I changed my number to "Unknown" and called her, with the loudspeaker on.
"Should I say something about Troy?" I whispered to Camila, while it was ringing.
She noded.
"Hello ?" Said Tiffany's voice.
I changed my voice a little bit lower, but not manly.
"Hi." I said.
"Who is this?" she asked. Her voice was very high pithed.
"Doesn't matter but I have something to tell you." I said to her. I was smiling and I almost had to laugh.
"Ehmm... Alright." she said.
"I've heard Troy say, that he likes you." I said and had to control myself, so I wouldn't laugh. Camila almost couldn't handle it anymore.
"Oh my gooddd. Really ?!" She asked.
"Yes, I'm not lying !!" I was acting just was excited as her.
"Alright I gotta go. Good luck with Troy." I said and hung up the phone.
As soon as I hung up, I started laughing so hard, that my stomach hurt.
Camila was feeling the same.


Hope you like it.

Sorry again for my english I'm not from england....




Xoxo: Lara

Douchebags don't change❌ • Troy Glass FF •Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora