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Chapter 12
Present Time
Carlos's Mansion

Jacob and I made it to Carlos's house and, as expected, he tried to attack me. Jacob had to pin him against a wall before Carlos was ready to listen.

"That's not Vixen! It's Kassy dammit! She's possessed her!" Jacob yelled gripping Carlos's shirt tightly in his fists. Carlos looked at him and stared into his eyes before he eased off and nodded.

"Ok, ok. I believe you. Now let go." Jacob released him and Carlos dusted off his shirt as he turned walking to me. I looked at him and he took my hand as he mutter small words and a symbol appeared on my hand. It was like a ring of chains and a bird flying was inside its grasp trapped. I look up at him curiously and he answered my unsaid question, "To keep you in control. This way Vixen can't over power you and shelter your soul inside her."

I nodded in understanding and he turned walking down the hall. We reached a room that looked like a lab you'd see in a movie! He went to the back wall and put his hand to a panel as the wall slid up creating a doorway. Jacob and I met eyes as he held my empty body in his arms and I sighed turning to follow Carlos down the dark hall with Jacob behind. We reached an elevator and walked inside it as he took us down. The door was glass and I could see different floors with different things on each level. There was a level with a long hallway and many doors, another seemed like a cafeteria, then we reached the bottom level and all I saw were large capsules lining the walls. Some empty and others holding extradinaires within. I gasped in shock as the door opened and Carlos stepped out walking down the center aisle with Jacob and I following. Jacob stared at the extradinaires held in the capsules; they were scarred and bloody and so worn down. Like they had been stuck here for years on end in everlasting torment. It hurt for me to see and I had to look away as we reached an empty capsule. Jacob and I looked up at Carlos as he turned to face a panel beside the capsule typing in a password and information.

"Carlos what the hell is this place?! Why do you have these people here?!" Jacob asked in confusion and I looked at Carlos for his answer but he was silent. It felt wrong and Vixen was silent as well.

Carlos opened the capsule door and he turned to face us as he grabbed my body from Jacob and placed it into the capsule as the door shut.

"Carlos!" Jacob yelled but he was still silent with his fists clenched tightly. He turned to face Jacob and punched him in the face sending him flying and hitting the wall between two capsules.

"Jacob!" I yelled and watched them growled as I looked at Carlos who was standing right in front of me.

"Castio Dragmus Bodific." He said and put his hand to my chest as it phased through me. I gasped in shock and pain as I felt him separate my soul from Vixen then tossed my soul into my body that laid in the capsule. When I opened my eyes I was trapped within the glassy cage. I banged on the glass and looked up as Vixen laughed at me

"Why Carlos?! Why again do you chose her?! What's the matter with you?!" I shouted but it was muffled slightly by the glass. Carlos was still silent and Vixen took his chin as she tilted his head moving aside some of his hair to show a mark of a blood red eye.

"He didn't have a choice. I told him to. You see I marked Carlos before the train wreck and before he got you two free. The little story about his brother was a lie. He was beneath my power the whole time. You two were just too trustable to notice. Now I'm gonna finally free my master from death and he will be reborn stronger than before just like he planned!" Vixen laughed smiling and I stared frozen in shock.

"This was all set up!" I said softly in surprise then looked up as Jacob dashed at Vixen to punch her but she turned catching his fist and twisted his wrist then slammed him into the ground. His body jerked with pain and I banged the glass more "Jacob!"

He pulled himself up a bit weakly then Vixen pressed her foot to his head slamming it back down with so much force the ground shook. He laid still and unconscious as I banged more and more on the glass that didn't even crack "Leave him alone! Stop it!" I begged falling to my knees watching in defeat.

I had finally had enough. No more pain on my boyfriend! And I'm not losing him again!

My eyes closed then shot open a fierce ivy green. My soul left my body to fall and I slipped through the glass. Then I turned and kicked Vixen sending her across the room and snacking into the elevator doors. I then took control over Jacob's body. Within his body I made sure his soul was safe. I slowly rose to my feet and I could feel the power Jacob held. It was greater than I thought. And he held so much of it back. Why?

"You bitch! Get out of my brother!" Vixen screamed and pulled herself up as she rushed towards me throwing a fist. I caught it and twisted her wrist all the way till I heard a snap. She screamed and pulled away as she held her hanging hand.

"Alright you've had your fun. But no more kiddie games. I can show you how the big kids play now." I smirked at her and it felt strange hearing my voice come out as Jacob. To me it sounded pretty wicked!

Vixen growled and I heard a pop as she moved her hand and clenched her fists "You annoying piece of shit! I said get out! Castio Dragmus Bodific." She shot a ray of purple light at me and I quickly raised my hand to the light.

"Castion Reverices." I cast and a blue dome surrounded me deflecting the light back to her. She gasped and jumped away rolling to the side then slammed her hands on the ground sending a shock wave at me. I planted my feet firmly to the ground and the dome shattered. I kept my ground as I looked to her. I then teleported behind her and grabbed her by the neck slowly starting to crush. She choked and struggled at my grasp. I was starting to crush her windpipe and she was gasping for air.

Kassy no!

I blinked hearing Jacob speak begging me.

Don't do this. Not in my body. Not to my sister. I know what she's done but you doing this isn't making us any better! Please. Let her go!

I looked to Vixen then turned as I smacked her head into a capsule and dropped her unconscious body. I then left Jacob and walked over to Carlos. I placed my hand to his cheek as his head was lowered. I then put my other hand to the mark and closed my eyes healing the spells grasp on him. His head raised and he blinked looking around "What's going on?"

Jacob smiled and rushed over hugging him. I turned and got back to my body. My soul was exhausted and I needed rest. I soon fell asleep knowing Jacob could handle the rest.

Part of Something More (On Pause)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant