Abilities Unlocked

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Chapter 6

October 15 7:00 AM

I walked down the gray painted hall to a chestnut door with a diamond handle. I took a deep breathe and slowly turned it. The door creaked a little and I peeked inside. On the ceiling hung a massive chandlier with gems streaming down it. The chairs were tall and sleek, colored in black with red velvet. The table was long and wooden, but polished nicely. A red runner had food that trailed for miles. Eggs, pancakes, waffles, toast. Looking at the food, I realised just how hungry I was, and my mouth began watering.

"I'm glad to see your hungry." A voice said behind me

"Yeah, really hungry. Now, before I eat, how about you tell me who you are." I said and heard footsteps coming closer. Then a tall and handsome man stood in front of me.

"My name is Carlos Pennsworth, and I am a friend of Jacob's." He smiled

"Well, it's nice to meet you Carlos." I said

"I have already met you, Kassy." He said shocking me. He must have noticed because he gestured me a seat. I sat next to him at the long, beautiful table.

"I know this is hard for you right now, but I will explain it all. But you should eat first, you look like your starving." I was and I, almost instanly, began grabing food to eat. By the time I was full, half the food had vanished! I didn't even notice just how much I ate.

"Wow, you were really hungry. Weren't you?" Carlos gazed at me

"Um, yeah. I guess I was." I said

"Well, now that your full, how about we head to the living room and talk." He said and I agreed

He lead me down another gray hall to two large red chestut doors with gold handles. He pushed them open and inside was amazing! There was a large sofa with a TV in front of it, and a glass coffee table sat in the middle. Two large red chairs were on each side of the sofa. I sat on the sofa and Carlos sat across from me in a red chair. He called for someone and a maid came, he whispered in her ear and she nodded, then left. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Just wanted some coffee." He said

"Oh, alright." I responded

"Want any?"

"No, I'm good. Now can you tell me what this whole, Jacob is missing, thing is about."


You and Jacob came here a week ago, late at night. Jacob had told me that you were a half extradinare. But I at first had disbelief. Then he showed me your healing abilities by cutting his wrist and you healed him with a minute. I knew you were special so I had to get you trained soon. But there was a presence in the air that I hadn't sensed before. It was Vladmar and Vixen. They had followed you here. We tried battling them, but I got chained to a wall. You handled Vixen while Jacob was busy with Vlad. Just as Jacob was going to transport Vlad away, he heard you scream. Vixen had a piece of broken glass to your neck. I tried breaking free, but the enchanted chains pulled tighter. Jacob was distracted enough for Vlad to make his move. You watched in fear, paralyized by Vixen's spell. Vlad and Vixen fought Jacob until he hit his head on the wall from Vixen's superhuman punch. Vlad and Vixen dragged him away, but not without leaving you unharmed. Vlad knew you would try coming after Jacob so he needed time. He used a mind eraser spell on you, but it didn't work fully. You slipped into a coma as your body self-healed the spell casted. You brought back your past, but that event needed more time to heal. I tried to inject a serum that would strengthen you but it didn't work. It at least woke you up. It still may be sometime before you fully remeber what happened. And once you do, Vlad will be sorry.

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