The Death That Wasn't True

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Chapter 10

Listen to music while you read!

October 20 Afternoon time

"Hi, Jacob, I've missed you." I said quitely, and softly. Almost like whispering to a new born baby that just woke up.

He gave me a smile and then he turned to see Carlos finishing off his ropes. Carlos pulled them from Jacob's wrists and threw them on the floor. Jacob jumped up and grabbed me. He lifted me high, smiling, and then brought me down to his warm, tasty lips. It's like sucking on sweet honey, and then letting go to stare into sparkling brown eyes.

"I dreamed of you for days on end. Never letting the idea go that you wouldn't come. I couldn't! You were my last hope and I knew you wouldn't let me die." He said

"How right you are!" I said and Jacob smiled.

"Sorry to interrupt but Vlad will realize Kassy's missing and come to check on Jacob!" Carlos said

"Already ahead of you Carlos." A voice calls and we all turn to see Vlad with Vixen who's hand is aflame!

"Vlad, let us go. Jacob won't tell where the sphere is and I have nothing for you!" I yelled and Jacob grabbed my hand, squezing hard.

"Oh, darling. I thought you knew why I needed you. Carlos, you never told her?" Vlad looked at Carlos and Carlos's eyes fell to the ground.

"Carlos?" I asked

"She's not ready Vladmar. If you start when one is unready, it could kill them. Then the sphere will shut down for another century." Carlos said still looking at space.

"Yes Carlos, I'm aware. That's why you were to train her and Jacob would find me the sphere." Vlad said.

"What the hell are you talking about!" I yelled

"Easy now. No need for that kind of language." Vlad said

"Shut the fuck up, Bladster!" I yelled at him and his eyes grew.

"Vixen, teach this one some manners. But keep her alive!" Vlad said sternly,and Vixen smiled devishly. Her hand fire formed into a ball and then shaped my face. Vixen through it at me and I ducked. But I forgot Jacob was behind me and I quickly looked up at him, only to be shocked. He held Vixen's flame in his hands!

Vixen smiled, "Like sister, like brother!"

"Wait...what?" I asked in shock

"Jacob, you didn't tell her that either! Oh my Kassy, looks like none of those boys aren't willing to tell you anything!" Vlad said and I looked at them. Both Carlos and Jacob have been keeping secrets! Why? What is so damn important that they can't share?

"Kassy, don't listen to him." Jacob said and placed his hand on my shoulder, I shoved him away.

"You! You didn't tell me your sister is Vixen! Why?!" I yelled at him


"Because what?"

"Because it's not something I'm proud of, ok?! I don't like going around saying ' Hey, I'm Jacob. By the way, my older sister is a complete pyscho who wants to take over and have everybody be her slave.' Would you admit to that?"

"Yes, if it meant telling the truth to my boyfriend!"

"Kass, please, I'm..."

"Don't even apologize! I don't give a fuck about what you say! And you!" I pointed to Carlos.

"I know, you have no idea what I was talking about and I should have told you early! Kassy, your not ready for the truth yet."

"Not ready! Not ready! I'm 17 fucking years old. How am I not ready?" Carlos began to open his mouth, but I stopped him," Don't say another word. Either of you."

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