Travel Down The Past

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Chapter 8

October 19 6:45 AM

The cold floor is touching my face while I lay paralizied. Pain burns within me and every inch of my body! She's on my mind. I keep knowing she will find me and teach this bastard a lesson! Then footsteps began to trail close to me. A warning sign that more pain is coming. Then two pointy black shoes landed in front of me.

"Jacob, please listen. I don't want to have to resort to killing you." Vladmar said and turned me over. Vixen stood next to him. Her hand turned red and then engulfed in flames, showing off her sorcery.

"Of course not, because then it would bring you back to square 1!" I spat at him

Vladmar's devish smile vansihed, "You think your smart boy! Let's see how smart you are against this." He said placing his hand on my chest, sending a bolt of electricy through me. I howled back at the pain, seeing that devish smile return across Vladmar''s face.

I jolted awake, screaming like a banshe. Staring into Carlos's face I slowly calmed. Pain drew my attention to my chest. I looked down and saw that a mark of hand was left on my chest. I looked up at Carlos with concern writen all over, and he could read it clearly!

"Kassy, the connection between Jacob and you is growing. Soon, so strong, it could kill you! We need to find him so it can break." He said to me

"How?" I asked

"I need you to think. In any of your dreams did you gain any whereabouts of Jacob?" He asked and I rememebered first having this connection thing affect my dreams

"Yes, I felt I was being dragged on grass. When I looked up I saw trees, like in a forest. Then there was a large tree that had a ring on the bark. Vixen waved her hand over it and then it transformed into a door." I said

"Ok, so we know he was dragged through a forest to a tree. Anything else?" Carlos asked

"No, that's all I got for location." I replied

'Hmm, I know. We need to connect with Jacob!" 

"What are you talking about? If we could that, we would have. Right?" 

"No, not like on a phone. I mean through his mind. If you concentrate hard enough, you can build a mind connection. Then you can understand his thoughts." 

"Really? That's so cool! Wait, why didn't you tell me this before?" 

"Beacuse, I was unsure just how strong you connection was. If it was too weak, this could have possibly killed you. But your strong enough to make the connection." 

"Alright. How do I do it?" 

"Focus on being with Jacob. Being inside his mind and finding his location." 

I closed my eyes, trying to visualize him. Then I saw a bright tube of light. It began to sting my skin. 

"Carlos! Why does it hurt?" I aksed in pain

"I said you were ready, not that in wouldn't hurt. Your mind is trying to merge with Jacob's."

I continued going through this brightly colored torture! Then the pain suddenly grew and I was shouting out. 

"Let it take you Kassy. It has to know your ready to give in. Then the pain will stop." I heard Carlos say

"Listen to me, Vlad, I will never let you know where the sphere is. Never!" I heard Jacob's sweet voice and I knew I was connecting. I loosened up to the pain and ,Carlos was right, it stopped. 

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