Fighting The Mighty

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Chapter 11

Present Day Inside Carlos's Mansion

Now you know our story. But its far from over. Vladmar's spirit remains and awaits to be reincarnated so he can fulfill his plan. His plan, that I've just recently figured out what it is, will be the very thing humanity may not see coming! Vixen has been trying to get Jacob and me since Vladmar's demise and now we know why. If Jacob and I are united in the circle of anima, then my healing powers and Jacob's super strength can bring Vladmar back. However, the only way this would work is if we donate our powers willing. Let's see Vixen beat that! If only I had know what she was capable of!


"Hey, Kassy. You want to chill at the park and watch the sunset? I know you love doing that. What's wrong?" Jacob asked as we drove in the chilly noon. I had been quiet the whole time and it seemed as though I was depressed, but truthly I was simply remincing about the past. I had been thinking of everything Jacob and I have been through this past year.

"Hm, oh, sorry. I'm just- thinking. What did you say?" I responded

"I was hoping we could head to the park for some romantic couple time. What's up with you? You seem distracted alot lately." Jacob is always concerned about me. It's sweet but I can handle myself.

"Jacob, I'm fine, really." I answer

"Mhm, yeah right. Kassy, your my girlfriend, I know you better than anyone, and I can tell when something is bugging you." Jacob continued to push my buttons, and I know he means well, but I was filled with so much worry I couldn't keep my anger inside any longer.

"Actually, there is something bothering me - you!" Jacob's bright eyes dimed at my comment, and I realized I had struck him where it hurt, "Jacob, no, I'm sorry. I-I just. *sigh* I think I've keep my thoughts in long enough. Let's head to the park and I'll explain everything." I weaved my fingers into Jacob's hand and held tightly. He turned his eyes back on and smiled. We then drove in silence until we made it to the park.

Jacob lead me to the bench where we always sat together. There we breathed in the fresh air as the golden rays of light retreated to let the moon glow in front. I exhaled all my past thoughts and inhaled the present time. I turned to see Jacob's face eminated by the moonlit sky, the stars flicked inside his eyes, and the cool breaze blew his hair back. I watched him stare in amazment at the night's show.

His head turned and our eyes met. I couldn't turn away, so I simply replied with a smile and he returned one.

"So, what's rubbing you the wrong way?" He asked, disturbing the silence.

I sighed and then decided this was for the best, "I've been thinking about my past, well, our past. What if Vixen reincarnates Vlad, then what? Do we become his latest weapons and bring society to its end? Are we just that to him, weapons? I have so many questions and no answers." I let it go and saw Jacob wasn't surprised from any of this.

"Kassy, the world is about questions, but we need to discover a way to live around them. I understand your confusion with all of this. I had trouble trying to figure out my life being abnormal, now I have you." He took my hands and I gazed into his beautiful eyes.

"And now, I don't question things. Cause I know that as long as I'm with you, they don't matter. What matters is that your safe and happy." He said to me

"And I am, because I have you." I responded and he smiled.

I leaned in closer and so did Jacob. I was inching away from Jacob's lips when I said, "I love you."

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