Jacob, Where Are You?

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Chapter 5

October 7 5:45 AM

When I opened my eyes, I was lying on the ground. As I got up, pain struck me like an unsuspecting wave. I cried out, slamming back down to ease it. A man came rushing to my side, only, he wasn't Jacob! 

"Calm down. The pain is intense, I know, but only temporary. Your body needs time to heal." He said to me and lifted me up. More struck and I hollered again at the sign of it. 

He placed me down on a table with pillows covering it. He left the room, leaving me in a pain that felt like it was burning me alive. I was trying to think healing thoughts, but everything brought me back to Jacob. Where was he? Why am I in so much pain? What happened? Who is that guy walking towards me with a needle? 

I started to panic when the man entered the room with a needle invused with sometype of green liquid. I trying moving away but the pain wouldn't let me.

"Calm down. This is just to help increase your healing powers. But only temporarly. I will have to train you to improve your abilities." He said standing next to me.

"Less, mmm, talking, more, aah, injecting." I studered under the pain. He injected me in the arm, and the firey pain I was feeling began to cool down. I stopped shaking and relaxed. I was in shock from all the pain I passed out.

These images flew through my mind. They made no sense. Jacob and me at some old lady's house. Then coming here. Hearing the word Extradinare over and over again. Then a bang. Glass broken on the ground. Jacob wrestling with a cloaked man, me on the floor below a blonde girl. Then Jacob was knocked unconcious. I was lying on the ground watching it all. Then the tall man moved closer. He said, "Don't worry my dear I'll take good care of him. But you won't remember it at all." Then he placed a glowing finger on my head and black out! 

 I opened my eyes and jolted up. I was in a bedroom, lying in a king sized bed. I looked around. The walls were navy blue and the door was black. There was a gray desk with a wheeling chair and a colkboard that had a piece of paper hanging from it. The covers on the bed were navy blue and gray with scarlet pillows. A red drape hung overhead. I walked over to the note and read it, 

 Morning Kassy. I will be in the dining room with breakfast waiting. In the drawer is new clothing. I hope you like. I will explain everything! ~ Carlos

That name struck something in my mind. Carlos Where have I heard that before? Jacob! He said that name before! Where is Jacob? Why is he missing? I began panicing but when I looked back at the note I remembered that everything would be explained to me. But who is Carlos.

I opened the drawer and found a black shirt that was had ripped up sleeves and said Beast on it. The jeans were a dark green shade and I found a necklace in the pocket. It was a gold orb on a chain. I stared at it and then it slipped through my fingers and landed on the floor. I was surprised when it split in half and a note fell out. I picked it up and read it:

Dear Kassy,

        I love you. Now and forever. Never forget that. No matter what happens to me, just know, I thought of you in the end. Stay safe. I will keep you in mind.



A tear fell on the paper, ruining its beautiful ink. Jacob has gorgeous hand-writing and I ruined it! I thought of our time together and started crying harder! All the images of Jacob and me flew through my mind. It all suddenly stopped at one image. Jacob and me standing in front of a man. The same man that saved me. Is it Carlos? Wait, that's the last time I saw Jacob. What happened?! Time to see this Carlos guy.


Picture of Carlos

Hope ya enjoyed! More to come. 

Where is Jacob? Is he ok? What happened to Kassy?

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