Extradinares and How They Are

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Chapter 4

October 5 4:00 AM

"Jacob, what are you talking about?" I looked at him

"Come with me." Jacob said turning towards the door. I followed him to the backyard. He stopped in front of the shed he said was off limits.

"Jacob, why are we here? I thought this was off limits." I ask and he looks at me

"I need to show you something." He said and pulled open the doors. A bright light filled my eyes. Then there was a fuzzy feeling inside me. Everything then turned dark and I opened my eyes. It was so dark my eyes needed time to adjust. I could see a shadowy figure close in on me and I backed up. I hit a wall and was about to scream for Jacob, until the figure took my hand in his!

"Jacob! You scared the crap out of me!" I said

"Sorry. I know that your still adjusting to the light." He replied and I drew closer to him. Knowing he was with me comforted me. His warm chest made me feel safe. But then I remebered, I didn't have a clue what was going on!

"Jacob, you better tell me right now what the hell is going on!" I said annoyed with these sudden 'surprises' and didn't want anymore.

"I'm sorry. Everything will be explained." Jacob said hugging me. I was still mad but hugged him anyway.

"Who's there? Jacob, is that you?" A familar voice called from a doorway. The light behind it was too bright so all I saw was a shadow.

"Yeah, it's me. With a special friend." Jacob replied

"Well, then, get your lazy bums up here." The voice replied and Jacob giggled.

Then he took my hand and lead me up the stairs. The brightness of the room, once again, blinded me and I tripped over something onto Jacob. When I could see again, I realized I was on top of Jacob with his arms wrapped around my waist!

"Oh, god. I'm so sorry Jacob! I didn't mean to. I was just walking and then I was blinded and so I..." Jacob pulled me to his lips and we embraced! I was flying! Until Jacob let go!

"Now, how about that. We had our first kiss." Jacob smiled and I smiled back.

"Yeah, your first kiss in my kitchen!" The voice said and we turned to see an older woman standing in her nightgown. It took a while, but I finally figured out where she was from. She's Dover High's nurse!

"Hi, Lindia." Jacob said and we got up from the floor.

"Jacob, would you care to explain why your in my house at 11:30 at night!" Lindia yelled

"First things first, Vlad knows I'm here. And..." Jacob started until Lindia interupted

"What?! He found you already. Great. Time to move again." She said and I paniced

"No! Not this time. If he wants me, he can get me." Jacob said heriocly cute

"Jacob, you know what he wants. The orb! And what makes this time different from the rest?" She looked at him and Jacob looked at me.

"She is." He said and Lindia looked at me

"Um, hi." I said embarrased.

"I remember you. You were my first student. Thanks to numskull over here." Lindia said and bonked Jacob in the head.

"Yeah, well, I apologized. And anyway she can help me fight off Vlad and Vixen." Jacob said

"What do you mean?" She said

"Kassy's half extradinare!"

Lindia simply looked up and down my body and replied," I know."

"You knew. And you didn't bother to tell me there was another extradinare my age other then Carlos!" Jacob yelled

"I had to be sure. It was only a guess from when you hit her. She survived without a scratch." Lindia replied

"That's impossible. She was bleeding." Jacob said

"And healed within minutes. With training, she may even save lives." Lindia said and Jacob looked at me.

I was paralyzed from this information. At first, I thought this was a joke until what Lindia said hit me and I remember, I didn't have a mark. Nothing! It was like the whole thing didn't happen!

"Kassy, you ok?" Jacob snapped me out of my trance.

"What does it mean?" I asked

"Huh?" Jacob said

"What does being an extradinare mean?" I asked again and Lindia smiled

"I shall tell you the story."

Once before, scientists believed they could improve human brains. Or as they said," Unlock our minds" The goverment believed in this so they funded the project know as PURE.Something went wrong with the formula. But they accidently injected a man with it. He suffered from headaches, puking, and much more until he finally adjusted. He then pretended the formula didn't work, and the goverment shut the project down. The man replicated the formula and injected many others in secret. He also founded the name 'extradinare' for the people who have superhuman abilities.

"Jacob's family is one of the original extradinares. This is why Vladmar is after them. Vlad wants to become all powerful and take over. Turning the universe into his kingdom. And with the sphere of Internese, he can do that." Lindia finished up her story. I was once again paralyzed!

"So what exactly does the sphere do?" I asked

"It can unlimited Vlad's abilities and allow him to turn oridinaries into extradinares" Jacob responded

"Wow, this is unbeliveable. And I'm one of you." I asked

"Well, half. Half oridinary and half extradinare." Jacob said

"But how?" I asked

"I don't know but I plan on figuring it out. I'll speak with your parents. In the meantime, Jacob should take you to Carlos." Lindia said and left the room

"Who the fuck is this Carlos I keep hearing about?" I said and Jacob smiled

"He's my trainer. He can teach you how to use your abilities. After we find out what they are." Jacob said and grabbed my hand. That fuzzy feeling hit me again, and I realized what was happening. Jacob was transporting us to Carlos!


Picture of Kassy!

Part of Something More (On Pause)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora