Finding and Fighting

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Chapter 8

Listen to some music while you read!

October 19 8:30 AM

The tree I was hiding behind was it! It was the tree that Jacob was inside. A large ring sat on it's bark.

"Carlos, I found it!" I shouted to him.

"Found wh..oh, right! Coming" Carlos said clearly forgetting why we were here. But why would he forget that? What could possibly be occuping his mind at this time, other then finding his best friend?

I looked at Carlos as he looked at me. His eyes seemed to be focused on something, something behind me. His lips formed a smile, a smile of betrayal. That's when I knew what Carlos had done. He gave me to Vladmar!

Vixen grabbed my shoulder and punched my lights staight out! When I came to, I saw Jacob tied up and out on the floor. I started to get up and run but got pulled back, an iron collar held me in place! I looked around and noticed I was in the same room from my dreams. Then I heard a buzzing noise and turned to see a portal was close to me, and who stepped out, none other then Vlad himself.

"Hello, sweetie. Nice to see you again. However, last we met I hadn't realised just how powerful you really were. Thanks to Carlos now I have a good idea of that." He talked with so much pride in his voice I wanted to jump up and slap his face!

"Why am I here? Why are we both here? I want answers!" I yelled at him.

He strolled closer to me, then kneeled right next to my face, "Patience darling, all will be answered!"

"No I want answers now!" I screamed as Vlad began his way back to the portal. The buzzing started again, and before he disappeared through it, Vlad flashed me a ruthless smile! Then he was gone, and so was my chance at learning anything! Why Carlos did this to his bestfriend? Why does Vlad want me? Where are we at?

All will be answered. Kept ringing through my mind All will be answered.


October 20 Afternoon time

Light poored into my eyes, waking me up. Everything was bright and it was cold. I had dreamed that Carlos betrayed Jacob and me, giving us both up to Vlad. But one thing told me that wasn't a dream, it was the fact that when my eyes adjusted I saw Vixen glaring me!

"Morning Vixen." I yawned stretching, when a clacking sound drew my attention to my wrists.

"Morning Kassy, hope you like the new accessories." She responded

"Actually, they aren't my style. But they are totally you!" I smiled and Vixen gave me the death stare.

"If I were you I'd watch my mouth." She said

"And why is that?" I asked with a smirk

"Cause we still have Jacob. And he's at the point of death." She answered and my smirk disappeared.

"Where is he?" I asked enraged

"Don't worry he's safe. In the next car." She said and I was confused. Then I noticed I was in a train. How did I get here?

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Back home." Vixen responded and stood up. Then left the car with a smile.

I looked around to see if there was anything to break the chains. I tried to concentrate on the way the chains were built. They were iron just like my collar was. And they were old fashioned so all I needed was a pick to push the tumblers into place. I looked on the floor and saw a bobby pin lying a few inches from my foot. Stretching my leg I tapped it with my toe and dragged it closer. Then I removed my flats and placed the pin between my toes, lifting it to my mouth. Then I grabbed it from my lips and started to unlock the chains. I got the first one done in 3 minutes and then moved on to the next one, just as I heard on of the doors open. Looking through the glass, I saw Carlos walking towards my car. I put the pin in my palm and turned the chain on my right arm to look locked.

Carlos had a sorry look on his face, but fury was written all over mine. Carlos sat right across from me and looked up from the ground to met my eyes.

"I'm sorry, for everything." He said finally.

"And what, I'm just supposed to forgive you. You sold us out, giving us over to the enemy. Jacob trusted you, and so did I!" I said with pain.

"I know and I'm sorry. But there's a reason I did. Vlad took my brother!" Carlos said and I stared frozen. Carlos broke into tears.

"Please, I need to save him. He has a disease and Vlad won't let me take him to a doctor. Now he's limited. I need a healor like you. And I'll show you that I can be trusted. I won't tell Vlad your free." He said and once again I was frozen.

"How did you know I loosened my chain?" I asked taking my arm out of the free cuplet.

"I heared you playing with the key hole." He said

"Oh, well then. If you excuse me." I said continuing to loosen my other chain.

"Here." Carlos took the pin and within seconds freed my left wrist.

"Thanks, now, where's Jacob?"

"In the car over. Come on." Carlos said and grabbed my arm through the door. Outside it was snowing, even through it was only fall.

Carlos pulled me through the next door and there he was. Jacob was lying still on the train's seating area. I must have been in cargo while he was left in the passengers area. His wrists were bound together by ropes and a gas mask covered his face with a gas tank wired to it next to him.

"What is that gas?" I asked

"Sleeping components. Keeps Jacob from transport or using his strength. I'll get his ropes, you try waking him up." Carlos said and I nodded in argeement.

I ran over to Jacob's right side and shut off the gas before removing his mask. I shook him alittle and then alittle harder," Jacob, wake up," I shouted and then finally I slapped him across his face. He jumped up hit his head on the window sill and then laid back down, eyes staring at me.



Picture Of Jacob!

Isn't Theo just the hottest guy! Anyway, this quote describes how Jacob held on to life, even though he knew he could end dying. Fear tried to control him but instead it made him more strong! I also added music to listen to with the chapter and wanna know if I should contiue this? Comment, and Vote please! Thxs for reading!

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