Familar Faces

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Chapter 3

May 28 8:00 AM

When we got to Little Aunties Diner it was pretty packed. Luckly, we were able to get a bench table. It was nice being with Jacob. We decide to share eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns.

"Is that... Oh my god it is!" Jacob was staring behind me.

"What are you talking about?" I turn around and gasp. Lindia and Carlos had entered.

"Hey guys, over here." Jacob waved them over.

"Hey guys. Long time no see." Carlos says

"It's been a month." I respond

"Here sit." Jaocb crawls out of the bench and sits next to me while Carlos and Lindia sit across from us.

"So has Vixen found you yet?" Carlos asked

"No and I hope it stays that way. I want to relax with Kassy. Not run for my life." Jacob placed his arm around me and I snuggled in his warm chest.

"Well, I heard she plans on bringing Vladmar back." Carlos says and I jump up

"That's impossible. He was blow up." I yell

"Not impossible with your abilities combined." Lindia says and Jacob and I stare at each other.

I know what your thinking. What the fuck is this chick talking about? So here's the story. It started the day Jaocb asked me out.

October 5 3:00 PM

Jacob Miles has just officially asked me out! And it was so romantic! He bent down on one knee, pulled out a rose, and asked " Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was screaming in my head. But of course I played it cool and simply replied, "Sure". That's when he gave me his cutest smile and hugged me.

After, we headed to the park. It was great. Sitting on a bench, snuggled in his chest, while watching the sunset. His warm, soft chest was so inviting to me. I listened to his heart beating. Slow and steady, until it picked up and Jacob inhaled harshly.

"Jaocb, you ok?" I asked looking up at him

"What, oh, yeah. I just have to- um- get something real quick." He replied without looking at me. Then he got up and entered the forest, leaving me confused.

It was too boreing so I decided to see where Jacob went. I found him in a clearing and hid behind a tree.

"I know that your there. Show yourself!" Jacob yelled to the air. Now I'm even more confused.

Then something began glistening in front of him. It began to form a body and then filled with color. A tall man stood where there was nothing.

I was going to gasp till someone placed their hand over my mouth!

"Why did you bring a half extradinare with you!" The man asked

"What are you talking about?" Jacob said and the man pointed to me being held by a blonde girl. She took her hand off my mouth to secure my hands.

"Jacob!" I shouted

"Kassy!" Jacob replied

Then the girl lifted me off the ground. We were flying! And then I stood next to the tall man.

He stroked my cheek with his cold, pale hand, "Kassy. Such a lovely name!"

"Shut up asshole!" I shouted and the girl replaced her hand.

"Quiet. Do not speak to Lord Vladmar that way." She said

"Vixen, let her go." Jacob said to the blonde

"Why Jacob? Why does this half extradinare interest you so much?" Vladmar said

"That's none of you concern." Jacob barked at the man. He stepped closer but Vixen extended her hand and sharp nails grew the size of blades.

"Step any closer and she dies." Vixen said placing her nail to my throat

"Jacob, who are these people? What's an extradinare? Why is she threating to kill to me?" I asked so many questions that Vixen tightened her grip over my mouth.

"Stop Vixen! Vlad what do you want?" Jacob said giving a cold stare.

"You know what I want. The sphere of Internese." Vladmar said

"I don't have it with me." Jacob said

"I know your abilities Jacob. Don't think I'm stupid. Teleport there and bring back the sphere or the girl dies." Vlad yelled at Jacob. That triggered my self-defense mode! Nobody talks to my boyfriend that way!

I grabed Vixen's arm and flipped her so hard she landed in a tree. Then I turned at Vladmar and punched him. He smiled! Then kicked me in the gut so hard I landed on the ground with the wind knocked right out of me! Jacob came rushing over. But Vlad grabbed his neck. Then swung him in the air. I looked up at Jacob in the air. He vanished within seconds! Then he was on top of Vlad!

Vixen managed to get out of that tree and rushed to help Vladmar. She pulled Jacob off and using one hand restrained him. Her other one with razor nails was on Jacob's neck.

"Move and you die!" She said.

Vladmar came closer to me. I stared him straight in those icy blue eyes! He smiled again. What a creep! With the wave of his hand I was floating.

"Now Jacob I ask you again, give me the sphere!" Vlad said

"Never!" Jacob replied

"Very well then." Vlad said and began squeezing his hand. Compression surrounded me and I couldn't breath. I tried gasping for air but I couldn't inhale any in!

"Stop! Alright, you win. I'll get the sphere!" Jacob yelled and Vlad let go dropping me to the ground. Vixen tossed Jacob in front of Vlad.

Vlad grabed his cheeks and spoke in his face," Now be a good boy and fetch me the ball!'

Jacob frowned and then disappeared. I was so angry. I gathered as much air as I could. Then turned to see Vlad and Vixen standing in front of me!

"You better hope he returns with the sphere! Or your paying for it!" Vixen said

"I know Jacob. He won't let you down." I sneered at them

"That's exactly what I'm counting on." Vlad said

Jacob appeared behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him. No sphere! Jacob then smiled.

"Jacob, no!" Vlad said lunging for us. But then it was darkness. A ray of light woke me. I was sitting on Jacob's bed.

"How...how did I get here." I asked

"I teleported you here, so you would be safe." Jacob responded.

"Wow, that was weird." I said

"What's even weirder is that your half extradinare!"


Picture of Vixen Moon

If your confused on extradinares, I will be happy to explain it to you. But my next chapter will be about what extradinares are. Thxs for reading!

For my bae, Kassy. Who Kassy Miles is based off! SO this is for you girl!

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