chapter forty-four

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Alex wondered whether she was at the right building, she had expected John to live at a more sophisticated place than this. She scolded herself for judging and knocked on the door of apartment 251.

'Maybe if you paid him more he could get a better place,'her conscious countered. Nervousness began to grow within her and she wondered whether it was too late to make a quick escape. There was some shuffling inside and a loud clatter before her ex-COO finally opened the door.

"Oh-"he look startled and almost frightened to see her,"Hey..."

Alex diverted her gaze awkwardly. She had thought he would look completely distraught and depressed after losing his job but he actually looked quite calm and put together.

"Hi, can I come in?"she politely asked holding onto her purse tighter. It was weird seeing him in sweatpants and a t shirt compared to the formal attire she was used to.

"Yeah sure,"John moved aside and quizzically watched her walk inside his slightly messy nordic themed apartment. He caught a whiff of her perfume as she passed him and reminded himself to keep his composure. He couldn't deny that a part of him hoped she was here because she did in fsct reciprocate his feelings. On the other hand maybe she was there to serve him in person. The anticipation of receiving a law suit had been keeping him up for weeks.

"Can I get you anything?"he shifted awkwardly where he stood, suddenly aware of how messy his apartment was.

"No im fine thank you. I won't be long,"she said taking out some documents from her purse,"Could you please sit down?"

He gulped already seeing money he didn't have being drained from his bank accounts. He sat down opposite her on a wooden chair.

Alex made a face that John knew all too well. It was a look of hesitance but confidence that whatever she was thinking was the right thing to do. One thing he couldn't deny, she did have good instincts.

She placed the file on the table between them and waited patiently. He quickly grapsed the crisp pages and skimmed them for any signs of suing, defamation or criminal charges. Unfortunately he was met with something that almost made him fall off the wooden stool he sat on.

"Alex-"he stared at her,"What is this?"

"Don't worry I've thought this through,"she said reassuringly straightening her posture to emit confidence in her decision,"I think this will be best."

"Alex you can't do this,"he put the file back down,"I can't be the CEO of Cohen House-"

"Yes you can. You have,"she cut him off,"You're the one who taught me everything I know. You're the one that kept everything working behind the scenes. I think after everything that's happened this year, you would be the new beginning that Cohen House needs."

Jonathan couldn't believe what he was hearing,"Wait so you want to work together again? And you're giving me a promotion? After everything that happened between us?"

A sweat broke on his brow as he contemplated whether this was just some cruel joke Alex had planned as revenge. It's not like she was above something like that and it's not like he didn't deserve it.

Alex scoffed,"Yeah I guess I am. Yes you tremendously fucked up but I understand why you did what you did. For years you've been the only person I could trust and although I hate what you and Jackson did, in the end I know you did it for my best interest and that of the company."

Alex didn't ever want to acknowledge his feelings for her so she chose not to bring it up.

"Wait-"he placed the file back onto the table,"If I become CEO then you..."he didn't understand what her angle was here. What was she getting out of this?

"I'm going to resign,"Alex sighed finishing his sentence. Before he interrupted she continued,"Cohen House will never recover if we do not rebuild our reputation here. Although the other branches are doing fairly well, there are rumors that my leadership and decisions are being questioned."

"I don't think it will be longer before our international investors and directors begin to pull out or question my authority directly,"Alex pointed out,"Before that happens, I think for the best interest of our employees and my father's legacy, I should resign."

John ran his hand down his face frustratingly,"Alex you can't do that-. This is your father's...your company. Scandsls like this pass and things will return to normalcy soon."

"I've already started the legal proceedings with my lawyers. If you don't want the job, I understand,"she sympathetically added,"But I really don't see a better fit."

John knew he was capable of what she was asking for but did he really want to clean up a mess she had made? Something about it felt so wrong to him. And then it dawned on him.

"Alex I can't do this without you,"he desperately said,"This is your father's company. It's your inheritance...I can't take that away from you."

"I don't want this either but sacrifices have to be made. And I will still be the majority shareholder so I'll still be able to weigh in on any significant decisions."

John's eyes were focused on the table as he deepy considered the pros and cons of this. From being a disposable intern would he now become the CEO?

He looked up at her to find her staring right back at him. Her brown eyes held a hopeful glint that made his throat close slightly. He knew he was being used as a scapegoat but he was proud of her for not letting her pride get in the way of making this decision. They both knew it was the right one.

Johnathan stood up leaving the room as well as a dissapointed Alex. To her surprise he returned, pen in his hand. He twirled the pen between his fingers thinking about the outcome of this one choice. Maybe her resignation would mean he could finally get over his feelings for her. He wasn't getting any younger and the thought of buying a house, getting married and starting a family bounced around his mind frequently.

He leaned forward and carefully signed his name wherever necessary. Alex watched him, relief washing over her. When it was her turn to sign, feelings of remorse came over her. How could she have let it come to this? To signing of her birth right? She couldn't imagine what her father would say if he were alive.

She quickly signed wherever she needed to, not wanting her emotions to show. John considered her side of this deal. He didn't know what she was getting out of this but he hoped she would find her own happiness.

"Wait-"he stopped her as she began to leave,"What-what about your brother?"

Jackson was the natural choice to be CEO so he was confused as to how this whole thing was legal.

"I had him sign over his rights to the company,"she explained curtly as he opened the door for her. He nodded feeling like he should stop her but unsure for what.


She turned around looking at him expectantly,"Yeah?"

He swallowed whatever urge he had to kiss her and a simple,"Thank you."

Alex smiled briefly and disappeared from his sight, confident she was doing the right thing but unsure whether she could trust him.

author's note:
omg we're coming to the end of this beautiful journey...can you feel it? A few days ago i outlined the last few chapters and i can't wait to share it with you.

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