chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

"As I proceed to my car I saw a girl,whose head was turned around, I continued walking trying to stop myself from being scared as I got closer the head turned around back to normal position to face me, I looked at the face and what I saw frightened me,the girl opened her mouth to eat me up but suddenly she vanished,I quickly recovered from what I saw and got into the car and quickly drove home,I parked in the garage and came down, I went into my well furnished three bedroom apartment,I switched on the light and walked down to the fridge to get some fruits, i got out an apple and went up to my room ,as I finished eating the apple I cleared the place and went to get some shower,as I went in I looked at the mirror by my left and saw a small girl asking me to help her, I quickly shout the door and left the bathroom, I was barely able to close my eyes as I saw different things,a girl, zombie's,finally i was gradually i fell deep into sleep".

"I woke up the next morning and clearly saw the lady in red and black hair who had blood on her mouth,she looked at me and said again loudly [I love blood] coming close to me and pouring blood at every step she made towards me on the bed, I stood up pushed her and ran down the stairs, as I got their I saw her on the couch and I furiously asked her [what do you want] and she said[blood], I slowly walked towards her and said you are just a spirit and scratched her with my nails and she vanished, I so thanked God that my instinct walked".

"I hurried to the bathroom avoiding the mirror, quickly took my bath and wore my nursing outfit and got out my black purse and rushed over to the garage and drove to work".

"Hi, reader's yet another interesting chapter pls follow up to unveil more on this story, pls don't forget to vote, like and also comment💓💓💓💓💓.

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