chapter 16.

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Chapter 16.
The dead just sleeps.

"Still on my bed screaming and crying, I heard a swinging sound and when I looked up, I saw my wooden old fashion chair moving and when i moved towards it to see what was the cause of the movement, it suddenly stopped moving".

"I walked towards it and fearfully turned the chair but saw nothing, I was afraid all of a sudden. I took a step away to get the thought of what had just happend out of my mind set,I took a bold step into the  bathroom to wash my face,but as I got in, I was short of words about what I saw, Blood all over the floor as if someone was killed in the house without my knowledge, after a short while,I looked up, and I saw  Ethan".

"I was caught off guide I didn't understand  or know what to do,with everything that happened at the hospital and the way Ethan died, I don't think he was able to survive it and the worst was that he was on the exact same shirt and jeans and the same cut was right their on his neck and he was sitting beside the bathtub, with the same pain in his eyes but this time he was calm, he wasn't nervous".

"Ethan, I called out and he gave a cracked smile. I was full of thoughts and was so confused, but all I could say was "How", I didn't wait for a reply, I ran out of the bathroom to erase the picture of Ethan in my mind set, and I slowly walked back to the bed and sat down, only to see the wooden chair swinging again, this time I didn't have to stand up or turn it around, it turned on it's own to reveal Ethan still smiling at me like before,I was shocked I slowly used my hands to wipe my face but he was still there, I went to the bathroom opened the door and noticed their was no blood or Ethan anymore, the bathroom  was so sparkling and I turned back to the wooden chair to still see a smiling Ethan and I gave him a what the hell look and said but you are dead".

"Immediately I said that the smile disappeared instantly as he now wore a frown and spoke".

Ethan>>>                                                      (With a calm but harsh tone in his voice), "I am not dead, I am just sleeping"he said.

"I was taking aback by his words, I stared at him, short of words and broke down in tears, I fell on my knees and crawled up to him and when I touched him I could  feel him,I was so excited and smiled at him while my tears poured out like water, I stood up and hugged him sighing a little and said".

"I missed you Ethan, I really did, why did you have to sleep that long. I asked breaking the hug".

"I was waiting for the right time and besides I have a lot to tell you".

"What right time, well what do you want to tell me".

Ethan>>>                                                            It's about the lady who killed me, she is not evil, she's is just tasty for blood, I learnt that she kills innocent people because of her hatred for things on earth.I want to show you something, will you be able to go to the hospital now?

Mia>>>                                                            But The hospital is on hold till further notice, so I don't know if I'll  be allowed to go in.

Ethan>>>                                                        Well you will have to follow my lead, because I am running out of time, and can not afford to stay any longer.

"What are you going to do?, by the way, where are you rushing to?".

"Just watch me.I have to go back I can't spend too much time here,my time is going".

"I don't get it,which time?".

"Your asking too many questions, let's just go, I will explain later".

"Okay, wait let me get dressed at least"I said and proceeded to wear my clothes in the bathroom since Ethan was their,I changed into a sky blue handless gown and rushed with Ethan to the car, we got in and soon we were at the hospital, we came down and Ethan looked at me and said".

"Are you ready".

(I looked at him with anxiety)and said yes".

"Ethan held my hands and I went into a trance,passing through walls and finally we got into a dark room and soon the lights came on, I called on Ethan but got no reply, so I decided to walk round to look for him, as I walked on, I saw a table and when I got to it to check out the papers on it,I picked up a paper and saw Matilda Catty boldly written on it and looked around the table again only to notice a picture on the table which also had the name Matilda Catty boldly written on it, I was confused, I had so many questions on my mind but......(I was cut of from my thoughts by someone)".

"I looked around with anxiety in my eyes and saw Ethan sitting on a chair".

"That was her table, where she wrote her thoughts and deeds and were she thought of what the world has turned her to......"

"(I caught him off)but where are we and what are we doing here, I asked".

"We are at the hospital,we are here because you have to know the truth about her, now come with me"he said and dragged me along.

"We went through a pavement into a dark place which stinks and smells bloody,Ethan turns on the lights and I could visibly see blood allover the place and Ethan urged us to walk further, as we did, we got to a big bath and I trembled right in front of it, the dead body of people and their blood filled in the bathtub, worst of all I saw Ethan's body laying lifeless and when I proceeded to ask a question I suddenly noticed that I was alone, i stood up with quick speed and turned around to leave but the door closed on it's own and I began struggling to open it but i couldn't, when i looked back I saw a man crawling out of the bathtub proceeding towards me with pleading eyes trying to say something but he couldn't and I got scared as he began coming closer, i started banging the door, he was only a foot away when i sprang up and i screamed and was trembling deeply"

"It was only a dream I said to myself as I arranged myself on the bed thinking of all I saw and the only words that could come out of my mouth were(holy creep)".

Hi lovely readers once again another amazing chapter please follow up to unveil the mysteries behind this story and please do not forget to comment, vote and share if possible ❤,I also promise to update frequently and I also want to shout out to those who make out time to read this book thanks😘😘😘😘😘🤭.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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