chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.
The cinema[the little girl].

"I sat in the cinema waiting for the movie to begin,it started and I paid for the show and got in, I sat in the second row for a clearer veiw, when the movie began, more and more people came in and soon the place was filled and at the same time quiet with only the sounds of the characters heard,while watching my eyes went away from the screen and caught up with a little girl sitting at a corner, she was dressed in a black gown and had stroking blue eyes,she looked so beautiful and enchanting,I watched her as she whispered a few words to the man besides her,he fell asleep and she went ahead narrating what was best known to her,the next thing she did made me start shivering at it's sight,she brought out a little knife and carefully placed two lines on the neck of the man which was familiar with that of a snake bite,as she finished this act, she licked the blood off the knife,put it in her pocket's and resumed watching the movie like she did nothing,she once again looked at the man and smiled saying something's again,I tried listening to what she was saying when I noticed a pair of eyes staring at me with a very creepy smile,I was starting to feel cold because of the way she looked at me, I was no longer interested in watching the film anymore,I just wanted to go home and get the feeling away from my mind,immediately the movie was done i stood up to live, forgetting the huge popcorn I bought for the show and walked really fast as my legs could carry, I became scared when I could fill something or someone meeting my paste and when I tried to hasting up I was only gripped by someone's hand, I was turned over by the same girl I saw in the cinema".

"What did you see, she asked me with a low key but harsh voice".

"Nothing,I said out of breath,standing transfixed like a pole".

"Better you didn't see anything, stay away  she said and walked away".

"I was surprised she didn't hurt me I thought she would,I rushed down to my car got in and went straight home, I got into the house, I didn't bother about dinner, I had no appetite so I just had my shower and went to sleep".

Hi readers,so sorry for the delay of this chapter, I have had my hands tied to do much lately but I promise to update as soon as I got a single chance,thanks😘😘😘💓💓, pls wait up for the next chapter.

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