Chapter 12

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Kim's P.O.V.

    It had been a couple of weeks since Christmas, and everything was going really well. Rogue had adjusted really well, and the team loved him. Jay and I were doing really good as well. Everything was good which doesn't always happen. We didn't even have a case so Adam and Kevin were both arguing over who Rogue liked more while Jay and I just watched with Rogue at our feet. Antonio had gone to check in on one of his CI's and Voight was in his office. That's when I noticed that Hailey had been in the bathroom a little too long: something was up. I give Jay a quick kiss, telling him that I'm going to the bathroom, and make my way to the bathroom. When I got in there I saw Hailey just sitting on the floor with her back to the wall. She didn't even look up when I opened the door; something was definitely up. I didn't want to spook her so I walked over, and sat down next to her.
"Hey Hails you ok?" I didn't really know how to do this; she and I weren't that close yet. However, I felt like I had to help her with whatever was going on: call it a special girl code when you work with all guys. The one thing I could tell was that she seemed conflicted
"How do you do it?"
"I'm sorry?" I didn't know what she was talking about.
"How do you and Jay do it? Have such an amazing relationship while working together." Oh...this was about Adam.
"Is something wrong?" I don't know how to help if I didn't know what was going on.
"I don't even know if there is something for there to be something wrong with it. The only thing that we do that people would consider a relationship thing is sex, but then all we talk about any other time is work." Ok...I think I understand...kinda?
"Do you want more than that?" She had to be able to answer this before I can help her with anything else.
"I don't know...I like him...but I also know his history." Alright now I got the full picture. Hailey wanted a relationship, but was scared of the history he has: she wants commitment.
"Adam has grown a lot in the past couple of years, and you need to talk to him about this. Him and Jay are a lot alike; they come around as a hard ass, but they really are just big teddy bears." The door opened, and we were both attacked with slobber. Then I heard the laughter.
"Kim you really have got to stop ruining my reputation. I'm a badass cop: no teddy bear." He reaches a hand out to help me up while whispering,
"You were taking too long; everything ok?" Such a teddy bear. I nod slightly, and for a couple seconds we watch Rogue absolutely love on Hailey. She was his Then Jay gives Hailey his hand, and when she gets up I put my arm around her.
"If you aren't doing anything next Saturday you and I are definitely having a long overdo girls day." Us girls definitely need to stick together; I should've asked her to do this sooner.
"Yeah Kim, that would be great." Hailey then leaves the bathroom with Rogue.
"Is she ok?" I turn around to look at him, and put my arms around his neck.
"Girl talk: nothing you have to worry about, but just for a precaution don't bring up anything about her and relationships." He better get the hint.
"Got it. Anything else I should worry about." I peck him on the lips before walking out of the room.
"Oh I don't know...I am not sure, but I am debating on taking your partner." It's not gonna happen, and I'm happy with my partner. I just liked to tease.

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