Chapter 3

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Jay's P.O.V.

The past week was mostly just getting used to being together. Kim was still sleeping in my arms. That was something that I have learned to enjoy. The best part was that she hasn't had any other nightmares since that first time. I hoped that it meant that I brought her comfort, and made her feel safe. It was now Saturday and Will, Nicole, and Zoe were supposed to be here soon. I was slightly nervous about telling them, more Nicole and Zoe then Will. I wasn't really sure how I was supposed to interact with Zoe. I don't know how to interact with her as an uncle. Will she even like me?
"Are you nervous?" Kim had just come into the living room after calling in for pizza, and had sat next to me. We were becoming more comfortable around each other. It felt almost natural. Like she was meant to be at my side.
"Aren't you?" She hadn't really seemed nervous today, but that's because she's been busying herself with the apartment.
"A little, but I already know Will. Nicole might be a little mad that there was no ceremony, and Zoe for the most part will be excited." That was a good thing. She would be excited to have me as an uncle.
"You think Zoe will be excited to have me as an uncle?" Kim just looked at me with a semi awed look. It was the look that she wore when I mentioned something about including Zoe. She was really close to her niece so it was important to me.
"I think that you will be one of her favorite people." I was going to say something, but there was a knock on the door so I got up to go get it. At the door was Will which surprised me because Will was almost always late.
"Hey Will, come on in." We hadn't really told them what we needed to tell them. We had told them that it had something to do with the other.
"Hey Jay. Hi Kim." He gave her a slight wave, and a smile which she returned as she got up to come over to us.
"Hey Will, how are you?" She was really good at not showing that she was nervous if she was. I had to get better at reading her.
"I'm good. Though I would really like to know why we're here. I have an idea." He smirked at me, and I just gave him a chuckle. He wasn't wrong.
"You'll find out when..." Just then Zoe came running through the door. She basically tackled Kim in a hug.
"Aunt Kim! Are we late? Mommy almost made us late." Kim just laughed as Nicole came speed walking to the door.
"Zoe Rae Silver this is not like at Aunt Kim's. You can not just burst into someone else's apartment. Sorry Jay." She came into the apartment, and gave Kim the same look that I had just gotten from Will.
"It's fine Nicole. She's just excited. Here why not everyone comes in while we wait for the pizza to get here." I looked over at Kim, and finally saw a sign that showed she was nervous. While the others were walking towards the couch I gave Kim's hand a slight squeeze, and in return she gave me a smile.
"Alright so what's going on with you two." Nicole definitely was blunt to say the least. I look over at Kim nodding. We had sort of made an agreement that whichever one of our siblings spoke first would be the one who had to start explaining.
"Alright, well as I'm sure you both have assumed Jay and I are together." She was cut off by Nicole and Will saying basically the same thing,
"We already figured that. There's more."
"I was going to if you would let me finish. Now, Jay and I are..." Ding. She was cut off again by the pizza guy.
"Hey Zoe, do you want to help me get the pizza ready for everyone?" She looks at Kim, who nods, and gets up to follow me. It would probably be best if she didn't know the details.
I pay the guy, and we take the pizza to the kitchen. While we are doing that I look over, and see Kim give them details about our trip. Holding off on the main one. Probably until I'm there so she doesn't have to take on our siblings alone.
"Jay, do you love my Aunt Kim?" I look down at her. We didn't really need to get anything out so we were just setting up the boxes. I hadn't really been around her enough to get a good look at the kid. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Actually she looked a lot like Kim. She must've had Kim's protectiveness too. Love. Did I love Kim? I loved waking up with her in my arms. I loved seeing her smile, and hearing her laugh. Did that constitute love? I think I did. No, I did love her. I just wasn't ready to tell her yet.
"Yeah Zoe I do, but don't tell her yet because I haven't told her." She seemed to ponder on that a little before going onto her next question.
"Why are we here? Because mom said that when Aunt Kim got together with Adam all she got was a call." The kid was smart. Maybe it would be better to explain it to her without the other two because they might just talk right over her without knowing it.
"Well, Zoe, your Aunt Kim and I sort of went out of order when it comes to relationships." She sort of perked up slightly.
"Is Aunt Kim pregnant?" Pregnant? That's probably easier to explain than getting married without even going on a date.
"No. Not that. Your Aunt Kim and I got married." It took her a couple of seconds before her mind processed. Then, she attacked my legs in a hug.
"That means that you're my uncle. I have an aunt and uncle that save people. That's so cool." I put my hands on her shoulders sort of taking this in. Kim was right Zoe was excited.
"Yeah Zoe that means that I'm your uncle, and that you can come to me if you need anything. Alright." She looked up at me, and then nodded.
"Can I have your cop card? I have Aunt Kim's, and I keep it in my phone case." She really was well adapted. I just smile at her, and pull one of my cards out to hand it to her. She turns and runs to the living room where her backpack was. Which I assume her phone is in. I follow her while hearing the ending of the conversation.
"So what happened on this trip?" Zoe caught on because she turned to me with a smirk with a smirk on her face. She was going to rub it in their faces that she knew before them.
"Mom you don't know yet. Uncle Jay told me in the kitchen." For some reason I felt pride that she so comfortably called me uncle. Kim looked at me with a smile. Will and Nicole just looked at eachother then Zoe, and then finally us.
"Uncle?!" They looked in shock. Zoe wasn't even fazed by any of it.
"Yeah! Aunt Kim and Uncle Jay sort of went out of order and got married!"

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Until it Doesn't- BurgsteadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant