Chapter 15

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Kim's P.O.V.
    Someday. That word just floated around my head. Even with seeing my father again I couldn't get this smile off of my face. I fell asleep with it, and as soon as the sun hit my face I woke up with it. Though it did falter for a second when I turned my head and saw the other side of the bed empty. Where was Jay? Rogue was at my feet so I know that he didn't take him outside, and he always takes him with him on his morning run. Then I smelled the warm smell of pancakes, and Jay followed behind it with a tray in his hands.
    "What's this for?" He set down the plate in the middle of the bed, and told Rogue to go get eat his breakfast before placing a kiss on my head before sitting down next to me.
            "Why not." Jay sent me a cheeky smile and I knew something was up.
             "Jay Halstead, what did you do?" He immediately put his hands up.
             "What? I didn't do anything." I seriously think I might've heard a little voice crack. He's lucky I think he's cute. I climb onto his lap so that he's forced to look me in the eye.
             "You better hope I never have to interrogate you because you are an awful liar when it's to me."  Did he seriously have the nerve to laugh?
              "Why would I ever lie to you, Kim?" Are you serious right now?
              "You literally just did! You still haven't told me what you did." I didn't see his reaction because my eye caught sight of the clock.
               "Holy crap Jay it's 7:15; we're supposed to be at work in 15 minutes. Why didn't you wake me up!" I'm about to spring up to get into the shower, but Jay grabbed me and pulled me back to him.
               "We aren't going to work today. I called saying that we were taking the day. Well it would've happened anyway. I just called Voight before he could call me. You and I are going to have a day, just us." That sounded nice.
               "What about Roguey Boy. I'd feel bad if we left him alone by himself." As soon as he heard his name he came running into our room.
                 "Zoe's gonna watch him overnight. She's trying to convince Nicole to let her get a dog." He really did think of everything. I guess we could miss a day of work.
                 "So what are we doing today?" Jay seemed to like that answer.
                 "We are going to drive out to Starved Rock State Park, and just explore. Get out of Chicago for the day."
                  "Alright, just let me go get my hiking shoes."

While in the car

Jay's P.O.V
                 "Don't stop believing! Come on Jay just sing a little bit!" Does she stop?
                 "I'll only stop Halstead if you sing just a little bit with me, please." How can I say no?
                 "Alright...fine...only this one song." As soon as the song ended I shut my mouth. Even when she gave me a pout. I think she decided not to fight it because Kim rolled down the window, and just grabbed my hand. We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes until one of Kim's "favorites" came on the radio. This time I gave in after the 4th round of begging. She's lucky I love her; I can't even remember the last time I let anyone hear me sing, even Will.

At Starved Rock State Park

Jay's P.O.V.
             "Jay, it's so peaceful here." We were just walking along the path. I had my arm wrapped around her shoulders.
     "Yeah it is. The view is beautiful too." Little did she know that I was looking at her. did things work out so well? We just walked for a little bit before Kim caught sight of this waterfall, and basically dragged me over. Once we were over there the water was slightly reaching us and Kim turned towards me with this big smile on her face.
    "Did you ever imagine that a small trip to Vegas would turn into this?"
    "No...but I wouldn't change a thing." When I finish saying that I place a kiss on her lips.
    "Same...who would want to be normal anyway?"
    "Normal's overrated."

A couple hours later

Kim's P.O.V.
     We had just gotten back to the apartment complex in the ground parking lot. The day was amazing. How did I get so lucky? I never thought I'd be this giddy over a guy, but when I'm with Jay I can't help but smile.         
"Help!" We both turned towards the voice and saw a boy. He was holding something, and kept looking around. Jay and I both started approaching him, and that's when I heard a baby screaming.

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