Chapter 10

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Jay's P.O.V.

It had been a couple of weeks since I got back to work, and everyone had gotten used to the idea of Kim and I being married pretty quickly. Especially Adam, who actually was probably the most supportive. Boy was wrong when I thought that telling the team would be the hardest thing when it comes to this new relationship. I obviously had no idea how hard it would be to get Kim a Christmas present. Not only did I now have Kim to think of when Christmas shopping, but also Zoe and Nicole. At least for them I had Kim's help for that. She was with Nicole an hour away. They were having a girls day while Zoe was at school, and Kim had a day off, to try this new restaurant. I was at work, but we didn't have a case so that meant a day full of paperwork. I had finished most of mine which is why I was thinking of potential Christmas gifts for Kim. I just, not to be sappy, but I wanted the first gift I gave her to be a memorable one. I'm never really like this, ask Will, but I know that Kim will say that it's the thought that counts. I just want it to be good. Ring! It was Nicole. Nicole and Zoe had both mine and Will's numbers in their phone just in case. Though Zoe is only allowed to have certain people on her phone, and is only supposed to use it for emergencies.
"Hi Nicole what's up?" I had already heard Kim in the background when I answered so I assumed she was ok.
"Hi Jay I'm really sorry to ask this, it's just I got called by Zoe's school, and she isn't feeling well. I can't be there for an hour at least, and Kim said that you could probably get her. We could leave right now, and you would only have her for about an hour."
"Nicole it's fine. I'll talk to Hank, and he'll probably let me go early because we don't have a case, and I already got my paperwork done. You don't have to come back early. I'll just take her back to mine and Kim's, and you can just pick her up when you drop Kim off." I started to pack up my stuff before making my way towards Voight's office. I gave him my paperwork before whispering Zoe which he just nodded at telling me to go.
"Really? Jay you're the best! I'll call the school to tell them that you're picking her up."
"No problem now go enjoy your sister day. I got Zoe." We exchanged byes before I got off the phone. When I got into my truck my phone buzzed with a text from Kim.

Kim: Thank you for being so amazing. Love you.
Jay: Np See you when you get back. Love you too

She deserves a day with her sister, and apparently I'm amazing for watching my niece. We'll probably just end up watching a movie when we get to the apartment. Besides maybe she could give me some Christmas present ideas.
I arrive at the school 10 minutes later, and head up to the main office. I walk up to the window waiting for her to get off the phone.
"Hi I'm Jay Halstead I'm here to pick up my niece Zoe Silver. She's not feeling well." She looks at what seems like notes she's taken before asking to see my ID. I pull out my badge, and then I have to sign a sheet. While I'm signing I get basically tackled by a tiny body. I look down at her, and my heart immediately breaks. Her eyes are bloodshot, cheeks are bright red, and she's sweating which most likely means a fever.
"Hi Zo your mom is still with Aunt Kim so until they get back your gonna be with me ok?" She shakes her head slightly to show that she understood before lifting her arms up slightly.
"Can you carry me?" I pick her up before saying goodbye to both the receptionist and the nurse who both are looking at Zoe sadly. I carry her to my truck, and make sure she's situated in the back. It's seemed like she was like Kim, and was a cuddler.
She had fallen asleep in the car, and I was able to get her into the apartment without her waking up. I put her down on the couch before checking the medicine cabinet, thankful that Kim kept kid medicine for when Zoe stayed over, and got what I would need along with a pen and paper to write down what I gave her, how much, and when. My brother is a doctor. I walk back to find that Zoe is now awake with the remote control in her hand. I walk over to her with medicine, and a thermometer in hand.
"Alright kid I'm gonna take your temp, and then give you some medicine so tell me what hurts so I know what to give you." She nods slightly while glaring at the medicine. Luckily the thermometer was for the forehead so she wouldn't hate it too much.
"Mostly my throat hurts, and my tummy hurts a little." She probably had some flem drippping into her stomach which was causing it to hurt.
"Ok. Kid you have a 101.2 fever which isn't that bad. I want you to take this while I go make you some tea for your throat. After you do that you can pick whatever you want to watch on the tv." She just slowly nods while taking the medicine. I take the medicine, medicine cup, and paper to the kitchen to make her some tea. When I bring it in to her she's watching The Polar Express, which I've already seen multiple times in the past few days because it was one of Kim's favorites.
"Here you go kid." I handed her the mug, making sure it wasn't too hot beforehand, and sit down next to her. She took a sip before setting it down to curl up next to me.
When the movie's off we just stay there, her teacup now empty, just watching what had come on next. She was still awake, and looking a little better so I thought now would be a good time to get some help on gift ideas.
"Hey Zoe do you have any ideas on what I should get Aunt Kim for Christmas?" Her eyes lit up which made me feel a little bit better since first seeing her at the school, looking so sick.
"I know exactly what Aunt Kim wants." There we started our "scheming" as Kim has started to call it. Let's just say that the next time I had a day off, and Kim had work, was luckily Dec. 23, and Zoe had a half day. We brought Nicole into the plan because I needed Zoe's help with getting/picking out Kim's present.

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