Chapter 16

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Kim's P.O.V.
    Both of us took off running towards the little boy and the baby. As we moved closer it was then that I could see how frail he looked. So much so that I was dreading to look at the baby. Though as we were approaching we both slowed down some as to not startle him. Jay moved behind me to take the lead. Normally female cops had better luck with these types of interactions.
    "Hello I'm Kim, I'm a police officer, and can help you. Can you tell me your guys' names?" I had to force myself to reach out to take the baby out of his hands to try and soothe it, but I didn't want to startle him.
    " name's Sebastian, and my sister's name is Aurora." His lip had started to quiver, and all I wanted to do was to hug them, and promise them that everything was alright. But we needed to get them checked out by med.
    "I'm Jay. You know my mother's name was Aurora. I always thought it was so beautiful. Do you think you could hand Aurora over to Kim for her to hold? I'm sure you are really tired from holding her for so long." As soon as Sebastian handed Aurora over to me I saw that she was trembling. A key sign of a baby suffering from withdrawal. We had to get them both to Med as soon as possible.
    "Sebastian would you be ok if we take you and Aurora to the hospital to make sure that you both are healthy." I sent a look at Jay, and he looked over at Aurora and saw it as well. Once Sebastian shook his head Jay picked him up, and we carried them both over to the truck. We got them situated, and as safely as we could with not having the proper car seats. I was in the back with the kids, holding Aurora tightly, while Jay drove with his lights on. Aurora was surprisingly quiet during the siren noises, and just kept staring at me, and Sebastian just cuddled into my side. How could anyone do this to a child? Aurora was still trembling, and she was most definitely underweight as was Sebastian. I'm surprised he was able to walk from wherever the hell they came from while carrying her. 

Kim's P.O.V.
    They wouldn't let us leave their sides once we got to Gaffney. Aurora started having a screaming fit when I tried to hand her off to April so they just had me hold her on the hospital bed while they took blood and hooked up an IV. Sebastian was almost as bad. Jay had lifted him out of the truck, and when Maggie tried to take him he basically held onto Jay with a deathgrip. Sebastian only let him go when he was allowed to lay down in the same hospital bed that I was laying in. It took 15 minutes of convincing Sebastian to let Jay leave so that he could call Voight, and contact CPS.
    Then after 30 minutes the whole team was here. Jay was outside with them while I was in here with the kids. Normally I would feel annoyed at not being with them, but right now all I wanted was to hold these kids, and make sure that they're ok. Sebastian hadn't said a word since we had gotten into the truck. He was gently holding Aurora's tiny little hand while she slept in my arms. Both of them were connected to IVs so it was probably best that she was asleep. Sebastian wouldn't even look at the nurses, but didn't put up a fight with the IV and listened to what he was told about not moving his arm. I should probably try, and get him to talk. The team is gonna need him to talk in order to find wherever it is that they came from.
    "Sebastian, can you tell me how old you are?" He looked up at me, and god I just wanted to start crying. His medium colored brown hair only emphasized his dark blue eyes that looked so sad. I didn't want Aurora to wake up because her bright blue eyes would've been reddish from how much she had cried earlier.
    "I seven years old." Oh god I couldn't. Seven...he was seven and he has obviously gone through so much.
    "And what about Aurora? How old is she?" Oh god Jay scared me. I hadn't even realized he had walked into the room with Voight who Sebastian was eying suspiciously.
    "She born three moths ago. Who you?" Wait...she's three months old. I would've guessed she was a newborn based off of her size, but she also showed signs of withdrawal which would have to mean that her mother was breastfeeding her while using.
    "Hi Sebastian, my name is Hank Voight, and I'd like to ask you some questions."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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