Untitled part

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They made their way over to the Detective's desk.
Lt Benson got his attention "Detective Joseph Hill"
the head rose "yes ma'am"

The second the head rose, Charlie's jaw dropped, the detective was a carbon copy of her late brother Joe. Benson noticed both Charlie and the detective looking straight at each other, "Captain Reagan meet Detective Hill, Detective we are here about one of your Cis. We believe one of your CIs has gone missing"
"Lizzie C"
"I haven't seen her for 2 weeks, you know she's pregnant right"
"No Richard didn't tell me" Charlie said
"Her twin, she told me about him. you're the commissioner's youngest, the army officer".

Benson went to talk to her friend and Detective Hill's C.O.

"When Lt Benson introduced us your jaw dropped" Dt Hill asked
"You look  just like my older brother joe did"
"Joseph Connor Reagan right?"
"Yeah did you know him?"
"No but at the academy  his picture was up and everyone at first was like ' Are you Joseph Reagan's son?'"
"What did you tell them?"
"That I don't know. I was adopted which wasn't the whole truth but it kept them quiet"
"So you could be my Nephew"
"I could be, I wasn't adopted, I was left at the 50th precinct a few days old wrapped in a blanket with a note saying my first and middle names and the date of my birth. I was given the name Hills because I was found in Marble Hill."

"You two caught up" Detective Hill's  C.O asked
"sort of sir"
"Joe you'll be working with Lt Benson since the missing person is one of your CIs. Olivia I want him back in one piece. say hi to Fin for me"
"Will do. Detective grab what you need and we'll head off."

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