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hey everybody, hope you're all having a great saturday and this week has been treating you well! i'm just adding in this notice to say that this part of the story (and the next few chapters to follow) are not 100% realistic. i do love to write realistically about what happened but i believe that if i didn't include some form of a problem the story wouldn't be as interesting. while i do believe this type of hate may have occurred once or twice throughout their relationship, please don't take this as something that defintley did.
besides that, i wanted to let everybody know of my twitter account! i've just started it up and i'm thinking of coming on every now and again rather than posting authors notes in the conversation feed constantly. there has been a question posted there about next weeks chapter and whether you'd prefer it in one or two, if you could vote on that i'd be really grateful!
i hope you all enjoy the chapter and have a great rest of your week, stay safe🤍

That short time period between the two shows are when each person retreats back to their dressing room, either in panic over their fate being placed into the public's two hands or in a calm state able to catch up with all they wish to enjoy during the week where there is simply no time to think of anything except dance. Once the news broke of my appearance on the show, it was my goal to give my viewers the behind the scenes scoop of Elstree, to show them all the various aspects they may not have known of prior to this. But naively, the thought of the strenuous hours spent training and many overnight stays for Friday rehearsing that were about to be thrown in my face had never crossed my mind - neither had the bare thought of falling for my dance partner. While there have been offers to consider flying at me from different directions, either for a part or full time job as editor, these videos are what place me back under the title of 'YouTuber'. These few moments are the one opportunity to transport myself back into that old life of hunching behind a computer screen all morning before showing off my London travels and all the adventures I would happen to experience during the evening. These twenty minute uploads are my one chance to decide how I wish to be seen, for in my hands is the opportunity to pick and choose what clips the public will view and what will be cut, in fear of adding more fuel to the fire surrounding our speculated romance. Any other week it would be a joy to have somebody's company to fill the lonely silence, however this week was one I just wished to be spending all alone. "Joe.." The hushed calling of my name could hardly be heard atop of the soothing instrumental music blaring out from the sides of my laptop, but from a mile away I could recognise the distinguishable Australian accent that had become such a familiar noise to my ears.

Keeping up her quiet demeanour, Dianne had managed to slip through the door without a peep, the only sign of her arrival was the flash of red hair reflecting off my computer screen. Glancing up at the mirror, she seemed to be keeping a social distance between us, for whatever reason I was sure to find out in the next few minutes to come. "I brought tea.." I tried to resist the urge to meet her gaze, for just by the vulnerable tone of her words her eyes were most likely covered over with a layer of tears that acted as a barrier for the awaiting downpour. I could feel her presence coming closer, until our bodies were centimetres apart as she reached across to place the china cup, steaming of hot liquid, on the table. "Thanks.." I muttered under my breath, lifting the fragile material between my palms to take a gentle sip that immediately warmed up my insides. But right at this minute it was not my insides that needed this warm and comforting ointment, it was the atmosphere surrounding us that had turned to a sour and bitter coldness.

"I need to talk to you Joe.." As hard as I have been trying to hide my face from hers, the soft utters from the sofa crumbled this stern attitude of mine, my body turning immediately in the chair to face her. With her head hung low, I watched the nervous habits begin to reappear - the gold intricate threads fumbled between the gaps in her hand, while her other hand twirled a strand of straightened hair around her index finger. During my creepy staring, her eyes lifted up from her lap which mine immediately dropped down, watching the liquid in the glass swirl in continuous circles as the indoor breeze hit it. "Joe, you've sent me into a complete panic.. I mean, you come to my room and stay the night, yet the next morning you're acting as if I'm just some random girl off the street.. is that what I am to you?" The softness of her accent filled the room around us, but the pang of anger in her voice causing a heat to rise along my neck to my cheeks. "Did I say something to offend you? Or is it just my character you have become sick of? All this morning I've been pondering over these same exact questions, not even a genius could be able to answer these for me. All I want is for you to be happy, I would be a crappy person if I didn't.. of course, in the back of my mind there is a hope for your happiness to come from my actions.. but if this relationship between us is going any further, you need to be open and honest with me.."

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