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Hey everyone, I hope you're having a good start to your weekend! I know usually I would have posted a new chapter but because of reasons I'm about to explain, I couldn't get it finished in time for Saturday.

Because GCSEs and A Levels are up in the air right now on whether they will go ahead, every class test I do has to be my best incase it goes towards a predicted grade. This week I had a maths exam, which is one of my weaker subjects that I do so I really needed to spend all my time revising over the stuff I did not understand. As I was revising so much, time caught up to me and I was falling asleep so early at night that it was hard to even try to write at times.

Also, somebody I know read the story and gave me some awaited feedback. They told me that my chapters are very predictable, especially the first few. They also told me there was near to no plot twists in the story so far and that my writing was starting  to decline in its quality. Obviously, these comments I took on board but because of no feedback from anyone else, all I can do is trust that person with what they are saying. These comments set me back a lot in confidence, I believed my writing was the best it could be and I had put a lot of effort into it.

The new chapter currently isn't finished, I'm still writing it but I may upload either during the week or wait until Saturday to post, whichever is easier for everybody! To anybody who is reading this after the story is finished or is only on the first few weeks, this will make no sense when you read on but I'm sorry about that!

Again I'm sorry to anybody who was waiting for the new chapter, I'll make sure it is done for either the middle of the week or Saturday! Since it is Saturday, I can do my usual vote for team maxwell tonight! Soo excited to see their american smooth, make sure you vote for them when the lines open!!

Thank you.

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