He looks so..... broken....

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"Yoongi comeon wakiewakie we are crossing the woods and there is no-one and your hope is scared"

Hoseok here was trying to wake up his oh so sleepy mate who happens to be still unbothered.

Hoseok grumbled clearly annoyed he turns to face his mate which was a bad idea while driving as he suddenly hears something crash hard onto the car.

Hoseok's eyes go wide as saucers and the sudden impact also woke up the other male in the car who was silently cussing at his mate for not being careful while driving.

Hoseok on the other hand was already heading out of the car soon followed by still sleepy Yoongi.

But after seeing the sight infront of them Yoongi immediately is sleep deprived and hoseok has guilty tears brimming in his eyes.

"He is badly hurt" Hoseok mumbled turning his face.

Yoongi on the other hand crouched infront of the young boy who looked to be in his early sixteens yoongi also took in his delicate features,
His plump lips and his cute button nose.

"H-he is an omega" Yoongi said still in shock.
"Wait really!!!???"

Male omega's were really rare as most of the omega's were women, thus why all the alphas loved male omega's.
This young omega certainly wasn't safe just freely roaming around in the woods  as if no alpha, beta or even rogues will pounce on him the second they saw him.
He needs to be protected. Where are his parents anyway what were they thinking?
Yonngi's thoughts are cut after hearing the shuffling underneath him.
He and hoseok turn there heads towards the omega as if on reflex and being shocked would be and understatement as they saw the omega limping towards the woods as if nothing ever happened.

Hoseok looks towards yoongi and then calls out to the omega making him halt at his tracks,
"Where are you going kid listen I am so sorry I didn't by any mean want to hurt you! Please forgive me or my consciousness will kill me alive"
Hoseok said and meant every single word.

The omega turned to look at them with a confused tilted head,hoseok cooed at the sight.

"Ww-why are y-you apolog-gising i-its alright I wasn't hurt i-in anyw-way"
The omega stuttered.

Listening to this both yoongi and hoseok froze for a solid thirty seconds trying to register what they just heard.

"Stop lying omega I saw how badly you were bleeding and do you just forgive people like that and if yes, you will surely have a very hard time in this world."
Yoongi deadpanned.

"I-i am soo s-sorry sir I didn't mean t-to make you angry in any way please don't hit me!"
The omega stuttered yet again but this time with fear lacing his voice, as tears started to spill out of his eyes.

Yoongi and hoseok's eyes softened at the younger omega, Yes yoongi did want the omega to be honest but he surely didn't mean to scare him out like that and he felt sorry.
"I won't do anything to you don't be scared."

Omega raised his head to look  at yoongi with his eyes filled with tears and his now slightly pink nose from crying, and Yoongi's heart clenched at the sight, it was weird but he didn't wanna see him crying.

Hoseok started walking towards the young omega and slowly put his hands on his shoulders.

The way omega flinched back from his touch didn't go unnoticed by the two wolves. Hoseok gave the omega a hug and omega relaxed after a few moments adjusting to Hoseok's touch, after two minutes Hoseok pulled apart from the hug and looked straight at the omega,
"Look we will not hurt you young boy, you have no reason to be scared of us" Hoseok said.
"Besides the reason that we literally slammed you with our car but hey that wasn't really intentional" Yoongi added.

Hoseok on the other hand ran to him and gave his mate and tight slap on the back. The omega's eyes shined with amusement seeing the two older wolves.

"Okay so what is your name even though I am perfectly fine calling you omega" Hoseok smiled.

"I-i am J-jimin, Park Jimin" omega who introduced himself as jimin said.

"That's a great name what does that mean?" Yoongi asked suddenly curious of the meaning it held.

"It means M-my wisdom will r-reach higher than t-the sky" Jimin explained.
"Thats such a great meaning woaahhh" Hoseok said truly happy to receive this new information.

"Anyways so my wisdom will reach higher than the sky where are your parents we can drop you to your house or something we atleast owe you this much."Yoongi said.

"Great idea kitten! So my wis- sorry jimin where is your house?"
"Who the hell are you calling kitten you asshole?"
"You ofc I mean you don't complain when I call you that when you know" hoseok smugly replied.
"So yeah where is your home kiddo?"Yoongi said trying to divert the topic and if you looked closely you would also notice a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Um I don't have a house I live in the woods and as for my parents t-they are d-d-dead" Jimin replied feeling sad internally.

Both yoongi and hoseok were in shock for the what hundredth time of the day? and without even thinking about anything hoseok spoke,
"We will adopt you Jimin" Yoongi looked at hoseok as if he grew two heads but after receiving a glare from hoseok agreed nonetheless.
"Y-you don't have to pity me sir i-i am alright li-iving on my own."
"If you say so!" Yoongi said a little too happily and Jimin turned yet again to go the woods. And yoongi and hoseok got in there car to start driving.

"He looked so..... broken....." Hoseok mumbled to Yoongi.
"Why cant we adopt him!?" This time hoseok nearly shouted , catching Yoongi off guard by sudden outburst.
"Okay calm down love" Yoongi said and after a few minutes hoseok calmed down and was about to drive when heard another loud clash in the woods hoseok turned towards yoongi and it didn't take a jiffy for them to get out of the car and run towards the sound.

And soon enough they saw the source of the sound , jimin was on the ground and was bleeding from his foot heavily and the two wolves could also smell some rogues in the distance and rogues in such a secluded area wasn't a great news so Hoseok and Yoongi turned to there wolf selves and hoseok picked jimin in between his jaws and they ran.(a/n dashi run run run sry I had to do it)

After reaching there car they quickly transformed back to there human form not caring if there clothes were half torn and got in and drove off. With Jimin unconscious the whole ride.


End of chapter one.
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