The destructor!

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"Wow you can speak without stuttering? Who would have known?" Jungkook said with a hint of anger present which should have gone unnoticed by me but it didn't, I noticed it.

"What do you mean?" The nice Joon hyung asked.

"OH nothing just, I've never really seen him talk without stuttering!" Jungkook said...ohmygosh he had to say that why oh why he is not the future alpha but the future devil who's in training!!!

Joon hyung though he just was a nice chuckle, I certainly would love to fall asleep to it anyday!

"Oh Jungkook don't be like that you're embarrassing him! If Jin was here he wouldn't hesitate to teach you a lesson or two!" Jin!? Who was he? But I like this guy if he beats this cocky idiot!

"Don't Namjoon hyung, what are you doing here anyway?" Jungkook asked changing the topic as smoothly as butter.

"Patrol duty, they said I was too dangerous for anything else!" Namjoon said and my eyes went as wide as saucers...too dangerous? Joon hyung apparently noticed my changed mood and quickly explained,

"I'm a bit clumsy and tend to break a lot of things last time I was on kitchen duty instead of burning the food I burned the freaking pan! I didn't even know that it was possible till that day!!!"

"Oh hyung that was nothing compared to when you were climbing the bed ladder of our bunk bed and broke it? That is the only reason we don't have bunk beds anymore!!!" Jungkook continued with a smirk.

"I remember, how can I ever forget you and the others are so kind as to remind me every time, but really am I cursed? I am like the destructor or something!!!"

And for some strange reason I found his misery quite...amusing it was nice, to make fun of someone else for a change!!!

"God the destructor? I didn't think anyone in this place will have a sense of humor!!! HAHAHAHAHAhaha" My laughter died down when I saw them staring at me...

"Oh no...d-did I say-y that o-o-out!?" I stuttered embarrassed and on the verge of yeeting myself out the window when,

"You have a nice laugh, you should laugh more often!" Joon hyung said cheerfully ohmylord this man is the savior he is worthy!!! Worthy of what I don't know everything? But he is worthy!!!! Heavens has gifted me with his presence and I am grateful for that good lord!!!! Indeed I am!

"It's pretty sad to think that he is showing all his possibly good things to you hyung" Jungkook grumbled and rolled his eyes...what does he mean though all my good things does that mean he likes my laugh or not?

"Ah Junkookah you flatter me but I think he is just comfortable with me that I think about it I still don't know your name person-with-a-good-laugh" Joon hyung smiled and ohmygosh he has such cute dimples I just want to pinch them!!!!


"Jimin? Eh? It's great a great name for a great boy" Joon hyung smiled again and his smile is so contagious that I couldn't help but return it.

"Would you look at that hyung he even smiles for you next thing you know he will also carry your children with him!" Jungkook said and he just had to the smile soon disappeared from my face and Joon hyung awkwardly laughed while scratching his neck.

"Oh...yes no, he can't though haha" Joon hyung was nervous it was clear on his face did it disgust him that I could carry children? What a freak I am huh?

"Not that I don't want him to but I'm seeing someone." And he winked at me...yes...he bloody winked at I hallucinating?  No I don't think so...he likes me then?

"What do you mean hyung who are you seeing?" Came Jungkook's question and yeah I am curious too don't ask me why I just am!

"This beautiful person...that person is all I could ask for let's pray that I won't destroy it like things!" Joon hyung said and his ears turned a bit pink!!! Awww he is so adorable!!!

"I will...............

How was it guys? Good enough I hope? Thankyou so much for your love and time I appreciate it!!!
Love you all!
Peace out,

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