I-i am so s-sorry!

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(A/n: Just to avoid any confusion we are back to being in Jimin's POV I will inform you guys if we switch back again in POV's and tell me if you like them! )

Just after I walked in the room my eyes involuntarily widened not expecting to see this mess, I mean Yoongi did tell me that my roommate is the son of the alpha I expected it to be spotless because he would be the future alpha in near future after all but it's literally the opposite!

Where am I supposed to sleep both the beds are literally filled with stuff. I turned around to face Jungkook while he just smirked at me.

"I am so sorry b-but where will I s-sleep?" I asked meekly.

"I don't know. On the floor I guess?" He replied with nonchalance like I just asked the most stupid question in the whole wide world which I am sure I didn't.

"The f-floor?" I asked again to confirm I couldn't quite decipher that he really like really wanted me to sleep on the floor!

"You deaf? Ofcourse the floor don't you see the bed is filled with my important stuff?" He air quoted the words 'important stuff' as if to try to make me understand why he was making me sleep on the floor.

I took a glance at his said to be important stuff but all it was filled with was boxes and piles of clothes I even managed to see a comb and a toothbrush!

So I guess by important stuff he meant the stuff with which he groomed himself, welp guess he is obsessed with his looks then...

I nodded and took one final glance at the dirty room and started to try and clean it, because i can't live at a dirty place, I mean I even dusted off the forest cave I sometimes lived at as I was constantly moving.

Jungkook eyed me with surprise and that's when realization dawned on me usually omegas just don't go around cleaning the place if they want to they ask there roommate if they can do it I guess?

I turned around wide eyed,

"I-i am so sorry that I touched your stuff without your permission I didn't know w-what I was t-thinking... I r-really hope that y-you can forgive me for my actions. I won't repeat it again!"

I stuttered, Why do I stutter so much!? While Jungkook just smirked at me he really loves smirking doesn't he?

"No problem keep going it is your job! You are an omega after all!" He said like it was obvious... do omegas do the cleaning in this pack? If yes then I have to run away I can't be treated like trash anymore.

After making a mental note of running away I continued my cleaning. While Jungkook just hopped in his bed watching my every move like a hawk and doing maths?


After I finished cleaning I sat down on the floor as I didn't know where to sit and that's when Jungkook thought of speaking.

"Why are you sitting on the floor when there is a chair right infront of you?"

"I-i can s-sit on it?" I asked.

"Where else do you plan on sitting? My head??" He said in an annoyed tone. Was I annoying him?

"O-okay" I replied sitting on the chair awkwardly and staring at him.

"I'm straight." He said after five minutes of me staring at him I looked at him up and down he did look straight when did I call him crooked?

"Y-yeah you are ,y-you aren't c-crooked." I replied. And then Jungkook started laughing. What was so funny?

Is my voice that funny to him?

Then he stood up and came towards me....

Heya beautiful peeps 'm sorry for ending at a cliffhanger but hey thats me for ya!!

So what do you think jk did to our mochi?

Wait for the next update to find out or read on if I already updated🤣
Till then bye bye!

Loveya loads!💕💕💕
Peace out✌

An omega, that to a strong one! Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant