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"My wisdom what? And he's not for  how long have you known him? Two days? Well I am the future alpha of the pack  you are a member of and you belive him over me?Tsk. That's pitiful "


I don't know why but I feel bad for would I feel if someone from my pack sided with an outsider instead of me? I would feel betrayed and maybe right now Jungkook is feeling that way aswell...I am just causing more problems for everyone like I always do. Well I think I have my answer I'll leave this place soon.

"Jungkook I know what you mean but I was just protecting Jimin. He is an omega and you are an alpha blood and I think you don't need my protection but he does. Even though I've known him for two days but I still have this urge to protect know?"

Tsk I don't need their protection if they think that, they have more things coming for them but I don't have to prove anything to them because I won't even stay here for long. It's better if they think that I'm helpless.

"Ofcourse I get it so when we would be at war you would instead of saving me will save this lowlife right? Because I am an alpha blood who doesn't need your protection? Maybe this is the reason why Hobi hyung is the beta instead of you. You are not loyal.  Know your place. Okay?"

"How could you say that? I..." Yoongi said hurt.

This is all because of me...I should leave and that's exactly what I did. I left the room feeling useless. Just like I always did.

I heard someone calling behind me was it Yoongi or Jungkook, I couldn't tell but the to be honest I could hardly imagine Jungkook calling behind me so it was probably Yoongi...but why was he calling me? Or was it just my ears ringing?

I didn't care I ran outside the packhousr hardly noticing the interior all I wanted was to leave to be out of this place already.

After running for sometime I came to a halt how long has it been? Fifteen minutes or an hour? I couldn't tell but what I could tell was that I was still inside this pack house.

Just how big was this thing? It seemed never ending and I may be lost...I tried to smell anything...anyone but to no avail. I couldn't smell a thing why is this place so empty and then I heard it, the sound of a door closing in the distance I tried following that sound and after a while instead of just walls there were also doors in the halls...a lot of them but I could smell a lingering smell there, It was an oddly familiar scent but I couldn't keep a finger on it. And I was about to open a door to find who that scent belonged to exactly, my heart beating as if my brain was giving me a warning to not open the door as I slipped my fingers on the door knob and slowly twisted it trying to calm my beating heart in the process. The door creaked and just when I was about to peek inside the room, came a booming voice.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you here and I know for a fact that you don't belong to this pack." The said voice belonged to a tall man glaring down at me he reeked dominance even though he did not belong to a higher class judging by how he carried himself. Before I could observe him more he grabbed me by the collar and shook me.

"I. Asked. Who. Are. You." Damn...that was hot? But the way he delivered it with so much coldness it could probably freeze a volcano.

"He's with me." Came an arrogant voice...which I knew very well. Jungfuckingkook.

"With you Jungkook?" The change in the voice of the tall guy holing me up by the collar drastically changed it wasn't hot or even cold even more. It was....normal. I didn't like his normal voice, not one bit.

"Yes now let him go Joon hyung. You wouldn't wanna hurt an omega would you?"  Jungkook smirked and that's exactly what this Joon hyung did leave me almost as if he touched something which could give him a fatal disease I don't find his voice hot or cold now, I find it infuriating another person in my killing list!

"WAIT sorry ohmygosh I didn't mean to leave you abruptly I was surprised is all. Are you hurt?" Joon asked okay his voice indeed is hot and cold and he is on my good person list.

"I'm okay. Thankyou." Woo-hoo would you look at that? I didn't stutter not one bit! I'm proud of you tongue!!! But apparently that something was also noticed by someone else.

"Wow you can speak without stuttering? Who would have known?" Jungkook said with a hint of anger present which should have gone unnoticed by me but it didn't, I noticed it.

"What do you mean?" The nice Joon hyung asked.

"OH nothing just................

Hello!!! This is me long time eh?
Well I am thinking of making the chapters shorter so I have enough motivation to keep updating!!!
Would you all be okay with that?
Do let me know~
Arz <3

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