You said something 'love'?

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I couldn't hear what Yoongi would do if he heard him, because at that exact moment the door opened and in came ...


"I would what love?" I don't know how he managed to say love in such a deadly way that it sounded more like I will kill you and no-one can stop me but Yoongi managed to do that.

Hoseok hyung on the other hand didn't seem to admire the way Yoongi hyung called him love rather he seemed more afraid, terrified even of what? Oh I'm not so sure maybe because Hoseok hyung oh so graciously revealed some...intimate things like how they pillow talk?

"Nothing you would do nothing to your beautiful, loving and caring husband right darling I am your hope after all aren't I? So yeah you wouldn't do anything...right?"
He was confident in the beginning but slowly as he kept watching Yoongi while speaking he slowly lost his confidence and the last part came more like a question, if I were at his place I would bolt out of that door as fast as I could. And almost as if Hoseok hyung heard me talk in my mind mind bolted out of that door, or well tried to bolt out of that door but Yoongi hyung stopped him from going any further by blocking the doorway halfway and ohmygod I was scared for Hoseok hyung...

"What are you doing darling? I need to go and see the ...the alpha! That's right he called for me, so if you would excuse me!"
Hoseok hyung tried to come up with more ways to avoid the wrath of Yoongi hyung and then I turned to see Yoongi hyung...smiling?

"Oh ofcourse love just don't forget to come to our room at night I need to have a really long talk with you."
And that is when I realized that Yoongi hyung was not smiling the smile of an angel but he was smiling the smile of a devil right before a tragedy.

Hoseok hyung visibly paled and when Yoongi hyung sidestepped so he wouldn't be blocking the door he dashed out so fast that he appeared like a flash. Then Yoongi hyung turned to me and I smiled...or well tried to smile.

"Well my wisdom will reach higher than the sky I need to tell you something too which is..." Yoongi hyung said but before he could finish I interrupted him,

"I will not mention your and Hoseok hyung's pillow talk to anyone I-i p-promise!!!" I said so quickly that I wasn't sure he listened but when he smiled, this time a full gummy smile that melted my heart I was reassured that he did indeed listen to what I said and that he liked my answer...and also he would not kill me...right?

"Well that and also you have three days to make your decision on whether you want us to adopt you or not okay Jimin?" He said and I knew he was dead serious when he said my name and not it's meaning, God three days? Well I won't need that long because I've already made my decision I will leave this packhouse I don't need any adoptive parents to take care of me, or pity me for that matter! I am strong! Yeah!!!

"Jimin? You still with me?" I was taken out of my Ted talk by Yoongi hyung frantically waving his hands.

"Y-yeah" I replied feeling quite shy and embarrassed I shouldn't zone out like that!!! And then there was a huge crash....

It's me again!!! Well firstly I want to thank all the readers, I truly appreciate you all reading this book!!!
Thankyou, this book would be nothing without you all!!

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