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"I am straight aint I?" Jungkook said coming even closer and I involuntarily backed away falling from the chair I was sitting on in the process.

And I guess me falling off from a chair was super funny for him as he threw his head back and started laughing as if his life depended on it. He raised his hand and I flinched thinking that he will hit me which he ofcourse noticed right away and stopped laughing.

"Are you scared of me little omega?" He asked smirking and getting even closer to me than he already was, that was when I saw him, like really see him. His eyes were beautiful orbs of endless browns and it was as if it was sucking me in them and his lips, his oh so kissable lips which were pulled up in a sexy smirk focusing my attention back to his beautiful orbs I let myself be drowned in them but not for long as those orbs blinked causing the trance they caught me in to break. I felt hot, super hot like the kind of hot that I usually feel when I am in my heat and before the things went downhill, I pushed him away.

The realization of my actions dawned on me when I saw Jungkook's wide eyes and a gaping mouth and I knew I fucked up!

"I-i am soo s-s-sorry Jungkook I didn't m-mean to! I'm s-so sorry I'm really-"

"Can you shut your fucking mouth!? You are rambling like a fucking three year old!!!"

He cut me off with his yelling and my weak wolf couldn't handle it, resulting in fat tears coming out of my eyes like raindrops in a storm.

I think I noticed a flash of guilt in his eyes but I could be wrong because of the tears filling my eyes or I was just imagining things now because that sudden flash of guilt went even faster than it came.

I was sobbing like a baby and I freaking hated it, but I just can't stop I am a worthless omega after all aren't I?

Jungkook on the other hand just went and sat on the bed and ignored my existence like I was plague itself well I didn't really mind I mean who needs a hug when they cry? Not me!


It is official I can literally tell you every small detail of Jungkook's face from his scar to his mole! Being observant really helps, when you don't have anything to do except stare like a creepy stalker while my victim continued to ignore me...
So this is how it feels when I ignore those creepy werewolves...

I kind of feel like I am in power what will happen if I check him out? No that's a bad idea, but I haven't ever tried to check someone out maybe I can practice on him?

I traveled my eyes from his head to his toe trying my hardest to look confident, why do I think I am doing it wrong? Am I missing something here? WAITTT I got it I have to smirk while doing it, yeah it will be better I've seen a lot of wolves do that to me, and I sometimes envy the confidence that oozes out of them whenever they do that okay I will try my best...!!!

I travelled my eyes from his head to his toe trying to smirk I just hope that I don't look constipated...

I did it again and- OKAY IT WAS A BAD IDEA!!!
Why did I even think of doing something so stupid!?!
Oh how I wish for the earth to swallow me whole now, I couldn't even make eye contact with Jungkook now I mean it is his fault too was that the only time he thought of acknowledging my existence? Yeah it's totally his fault!!! I mean-

"Did I just catch you checking me out omega?" He asked, his voice laced with amusement and cutting my thoughts off... WAS THIS FREAKING AMUSING TO HIM? I CAN ACTUALLY FEEL MY FACE BURNING WITH EMBARRASSMENT... but now that I think it will be amusing to him like how many time can you witness a weak small Omega trying to check you out? And not to forget I am a male Omega we are super rare so the answer is... ONCE IN A 200 YEARS!
Wait does it count as ignoring his question if I don't answer him? Well I don't care about being an omega I am not answering his question...
"Answer me." He stated with confidence and well my wolf surrendered like every single time...
"Y-yes Jungkook I-i was s-seeing if y-you were crooked or n-not..." I replied eh that's a pretty good lie!! I mean he did ask me if he was straight or not didn't he?
"So you were checking if I was straight or not right?" He asked slowly like I was the super dumb person here and I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded my head....
"Words omega I need you to speak!" he ordered me coming closer...



Sry for the cliffhanger tho ...
Anyways say hydrated
Stay gold💛

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