Chapter 8

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Melanie ignored her phone the next day. She wasn't speaking to anybody. Not even her mother could get more than a one word answer out of her. She kept her head down when she walked and stayed in her room when she wasn't forced out.

June and Zoe were worried of course, but if they knew anything about Melanie, it was when she was upset there was no making her feel better about anything. She will sulk for days and no one could help her. It bothered Zoe and June because  Melanie was basically their sister. The girls were all sisters to each other because they all only had brothers. The girls knew Melanie wouldn't want to talk to her mom about her feelings because her mom just wouldn't understand, but now she didn't have anybody to talk to and Melanie was slowly breaking from the inside out.


Niall was having the time of his life with his new girlfriend.

They were living like there were no problems in the world. Like everything was good in their little Ireland community.

They didn't realize the problem they were just making worse everytime they were seen together, by one specific person.


Melanie looked out he window to the view of outside for the first time that day. The scene wasn't pleasant to her a person in her condition. Right there outside her house was the new power couple.

Niall and Megan.

They were always together. Seemed to always be in the same place. Right outside Melanie's house. Laughing, hugging, talking, kissing. Always right in front of Melanie's face. They were rubbing it in, without noticing. Or maybe they did notice, they just didn't care.

A tear fell down Melanie's face as she watched them yet again, wishing she could take Megan's place in Niall's life, but knowing that isn't possible.

She watched the two loving their lives and willed herself to do the same, but she just couldn't.

No matter how how hard she tried.

She couldn't.

More tears fell as she came to the conclusion that she would never get over this, not until it was over.

Or until she was over.

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