Chapter 6

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Later that day, after Niall and Melanie had finished their talk and Melanie had gone home Niall decided to take a walk. He needed the fresh air, or to think, he didn't really know why, but he went anyways.

Lately Niall's been feeling like he doesn't know much about himself anymore. Who is he? What kind of a person is he? Who does he want to become? What does he believe in? He doesn't know either.

Niall was walking when he heard a slightly familer(sowwy I don't know how to spell that and auto correct is not helping) voice calling him.

"NIALL!!" The voice said.

Niall turned around and looked to see who it was. It was Megan, the girl he used to be super close to, other than Melanie.

When Megan reached Niall she pulled him in for a huge hug, and Niall hugged her back.

"Megan! It's so nice to see you again!" Niall exclaimed.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming back!" Megan replied in her stronger Irish accent.

"Eh, I couldn't leave my family." Niall said to her.

Megan giggled slightly. Niall didn't know why. It's not like he said anything funny.

"So how's the band?" Megan asked.

"They're great. Harry said him and Louis are coming to visit soon." Niall responded.

"Oh that's great! I get to meet my future brothers in law!" Megan squealed.

"Your..... Your what?" Niall was confused beyond all levels of confusion.

"Oh Niall, I think we both know we were meant to be." Megan said flirting with Niall.

It was all downhill from there.
Melanie told the girls what happened after she went back home from Niall's place. They couldn't believe it.

Zoe gasped

"What?" Melanie and June asked.

"I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!" Zoe exclaimed.

"Well are you gonna tell us or are you gonna continue sounding like a dying seal?" June asked her.

"Piss off June," Zoe started, "as I was saying, Melanie I know what your problem is."

"What is it?" Melanie questioned.

"You like Niall....." She trailed off.

"WHAT!? I DO NOT!" Melanie declared.

"Actually Melanie, it makes a lot of sense to why you've been acting this way." June told her.

"I can't believe this..." Melanie was finally told the truth, and she knew it was true, she just didn't want to.

Niall on the other hand, was lost way beyond the right path.

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