Chapter 10

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The next day was the day before Niall went back on tour.

It was also the day of Megan's death, which Melanie saw happen.


Melanie was walking outside for the first time in a week when she saw Megan. Melanie didn't want Megan to see her so she pulled up her hood and started walking faster, but Megan saw her anyway.

"Melanie, wait up!" Megan called.

Melanie let out a sigh, stopped walking and turned around while taking off her hood. Melanie hadn't spoken to Megan since Niall came back, since Megan was always with Niall and she didn't want to see Niall at all. Melanie wondered what Megan could possibly want from her now.

"Melanie, I was actually just going to see you," Megan huffed, "I was on my way to your house actually, seen as how you haven't left your house in a week. Why is that exactly?"

"I just haven't been feeling well recently is all," it wasn't a complete lie. She really didn't feel well, but Megan didn't need to know if she was sick or not.

"So why are you out today?" Megan pried on.

"I just wanted some fresh air..." Melanie started to grow uncomfortable with Megan's questions. What was she after?

"Oh... Anyways, I saw Niall go to your house yesterday. What was that about?" Megan interrogated Melanie some more.

So that's what she wanted. To see what Niall was doing at her house.

"I don't know," Melanie responded.

Melanie really didn't know what Niall came to visit her for, she also didn't think it was any of Megan's buisness.

"Is that so?" Megan was pissed with that answer. It was far from what she wanted.

"That's so," Melanie responded.

"Well, we'll see about that." Megan stomped off in the other direction.

Melanie just continued on her way home. She couldn't wait for Niall to go back on tour again. It was only 24 hours away.


When Melanie got back home Niall and Megan were having an argument on the other side of the road.

"Tell me the truth Niall!" Megan screamed at him, "What were you doing at her house?!"

"I already told you," He hollered back, "I just went there to see her before I go back on tour!"

They were talking about her. Melanie. Was. The. Problem.

Melanie just wanted the ground to swallow her up. She wished she could disappear, but before she got the chance to Megan spotted her.

"YOU!" Megan yelled across the street. She stomped right over to Melanie and slapped her across the face.

Melanie was stunned. Shocked into imobility.

Niall came to her rescue from the other side of the road. He ran over and stood between Megan and Melanie.

"Don't. Touch. Her." He growled at Megan. Megan laughed without humor.

"I see what's going on here," she started, "You don't want me. You want her."

When Niall didnn't answer Megan blew up.

"Oh okay. We're over then!" Megan shrieked.

"Megan, no, wait! Let me explain!" Niall called after her.

Megan stomped off fuming too much to realize a car in the road. And it hit her.

"MEGAN!!" Niall yelped.

He ran into the road and knelt next to her limp body. Tears streamed freely down his face and moistened the cement underneath him. He picked Megan's lifeless body up in his arms and held her close to his heart. Mgan's head was busted open, her face pale, rivers of blood flowing onto the street and onto Niall. Niall continued sobbing into Megan's still chest. He lifted her hand and held it in his own. He felt a piece of him die. Crumbling apart and falling inside of his chest.

Melanie stood on the sidewalk, unable to move. Unable to speak and finding it hard to comprehend the situation at hand. There was Megan's limp body lying still in Niall's arms, and it was partly her fault. Or so she thought.

"What have I done," she whimpered falling to the ground,"this is all my fault."

Niall looked up from his spot holding Megan seeing Melanie crying into her hands. He got up and walked over to her, standing so he towered over her.

"Look what you've done," he uttered emotinlessly, "you killed the one person I had."

Melanie looked up shocked. The only person he had? He had her. Did he not know that? Was he still completely oblivious to the heartache he caused her.

Megan got up and looked into is icy blue eyes. All she saw was hate and it was directed right at her.

"Look, I really don't want to listen to all this bulshit right now, so if you don't mind, I'm going to my house." Melanie snapped. She was tired of the pain. Tired of keeping everything bottled up inside. It was time to let it out. And who better to let it out on than the person that caused it?

"Bullshit? Is that what you think this is? My girlfriend just died! The one person I loved! The one person that loved me back! Do you not realize this? She was the only one I had! No one loved me before. No one will probably ever love me again!" Niall cried. A new batch of tears streamed down his face. Melanie was finally done with the shit she had been through.

"How could you bee so blind Niall? You take so much for granted! Megan wasn't the only one that loved you! I loved you! I still do love you! How could you not realize that! All the days I spent in my room were because of you! Because I couldn't have you! And you didn't want me! But the thing I regret most is hoping for you to one day open your eyes and figure all this out on your own!" Melanie swallowed back her tears of frustration.

Niall's eyes softened as he remered all the good times they had together. The laughs, smiles, games, and just evrything they did together. She really did love him, why had he been so stupid.

"Melanie...." he tried.

"Save it," she snapped, "just go back on your stupid tour."

"But Melanie I-" Niall tried, but Melanie cut him off.

"Fuck you Niall."

And there she left him on the street, with less than half a heart.

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