Chapter 3

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Melanie was freaking out in her bedroom. Today was the day. He was coming back. He was gonna be home.

She couldn't understand if seeing him again was a good thing or a bad thing.

What if he didn't remember her? What if he wasn't the same fun, loving person he used to be?

Melanie decided to stop with the what ifs. She had an airport to not be at. She invited the two people she couldn't live without most to comfort her, and because she had a plan.
Niall was boarding the plane from New York to Ireland and he was a complete mess. Not a bad mess, but a cute mess, in a Niall kind of way.

He was super excited to be going home, but there was still a feeling he couldn't understand. Why was he so jumpy about something?

"Please fasten your seatbelts and get comfortable, the flight is about to take off." The flight attendant said over the intercom.

"This is it," Niall whispered to himself, "I'm going home."
"So what exactly are we supposed to do?" One of Melanie's besties, June asked her.

"Just look like you're having a good time." Melanie answered.

"Will do." Her other bestie, Zoe replied.

"I don't get the big deal, this is Niall we're talking about here. You guys love each other." June said.

There was a feeling of queasiness in Melanie's stomach when June said they love each other. She didn't understand it, but she felt weird.

"Yeah, like, what's the problem?" Zoe asked.

"It's complicated okay guys." Melanie told her friends, " what if he's different now. I mean I am, who says he isn't?"

"It's still Niall. And if it wouldn't offend me so much I would say you guys were better friends than we are." June said.

"You wouldn't understand." Melanie said, trying desperately to end the conversation.

"We do understand. We just don't understand why," Zoe told her, "It's not like anything was going on between you guys was there."

"No there wasn't." Melanie said, and even though she didn't know it she wished there was.

"So it should be fine." June said.

"He's here!" Zoe exclaimed, "quick, look like you're having fun."

"Let's do this." Melanie said with a smile while the three watched the car arrive on the driveway of the house across the street.

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