Chapter 5

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Niall excitedly invited the 3 girls into his home. He showed then around because he forgot that's where they were almost everyday. Zoe reminded him that they already knew where everything was, and Niall blushed embarrassed.

Maura greeted Melanie like she was meeting her future daughter-in-law. The 2 women laughed because it had been so long.

Niall took the girls upstairs just to hang out in his room. Melanie spotted the drawing she and Niall had made when she was 9. It said "best friends are for life, soul mates are forever".

Melanie finally understood what that quote meant. Niall had always known much for 10 year old, even though he was always a little small for his age. Was there something she wasn't quite catching?

Zoe, June and Melanie sat on the bean bags they always used to when they went to Niall's house while Niall just sat on his bed.

"I don't even know where to start!" Niall exclaimed, "it's been so long!"

"How's the band?" Melanie asked.

"More importantly, how's Harry?" June interrogated.

"Seriously June! He doesn't wanna tell you about Harry. I bet he would much rather talk about Louis!" Zoe basically squealed.

"Or, he can talk about himself." Melanie explained to her crazy friends.

"But he's so boring! No offence Niall." Zoe said.

"None taken love." Niall chuckled.

Melanie got a burning sensation in her stomach when Niall called Zoe 'love'. She didn't know why, or what it was, but she wanted to find out before it happened again.

Zoe and June made a secret plan to leave Niall and Melanie by themselves to work things out, so they left.

Melanie looked around the room until her eyes landed on the picture again. It was killing her, she just had to ask.

"You kept that?" She asked pointing to it. Niall chuckled softly before answering.

"Yeah, yeah I did." He said smoothly.

"Why?" Melanie asked again.

"Well, it's one of my favourite pieces of art," Niall stated, "someone very special to me helped me make it."

"I remember that." Melanie said so soft it was almost a whisper.

"I would hope my best friend would remember a picture we made together." Niall joked, but he didn't laugh a real laugh. Something about calling Melanie his best friend didn't feel right to him.

To either of them.

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