Chapter 7

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        There was only one thought on Melanie's mind the next day; "do I really like Niall?"

        She had no clue. Was Zoe just messing with her? Was this really a possibility? Why did it really bug her so much? She was losing her mind over this One Thing.

        Melanie didn't understand whatever the feeling was, and she really wanted to get over this obstacle. If Melanie wasn't even the least bit sure before, she definitely was after the view out her bedroom window.

        There was Niall, walking down the street. With Megan a childhood friend of Melanie's. She was also a girl. A girl who wasn't Melanie. It was true after all. But it seemed like Melanie had lost her chance at ever letting her true fellings show through to Niall, and to everybody else that wasn't her, Zoe, or June.


        Niall thought he figuered it out then. Who his princess is. He thought he found her. The one he's been searching for. In reality he did find her. He just didn't know the right person.

        After his talk with Megan lat night he thought it was her. He never even gave it a secondthought. He was so sure of himself. So sure of the wrong thing.

        He spent the rest of the night with Megan, and was with her from the break of dawn. He wanted to give his princess everything, if only he knew who his real princess was...


        Melanie could feel her heart breaking. Crumbling within the closed walls inside her chest. This was what would break her down. This is the reason she would become closed off, depressed, alone inside. She would stop sharing her thoughts. Block out everyone everyone she loved.

        But worst of all, the person she loved the most, was the reason.

        It was his fault. He caused Melanie the pain she was in.

        He didn't even realize he was causing himself pain also. Pushing himself to be in love with the wrong person. He didn't know he was already loving the right person.

        Niall put the burden on his love. But she still loved him. Even then, she meant nothing to him.

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! If you guys could just tell me if I need to add anything, or just some helpful feedback that would mean a lot to me cuz this is actually my first fanfic. Thx bai!

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