Chapter 9

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Niall hadn't spoken to Melanie in almost a week. His best friend since forever, he hadn't seen since the day she spent at his house. He thought he should visit her before he goes back on tour. He was excited to see her anyways. So he went to her house, but was sent straight back home.

June and Zoe were spending their usual time with Melanie, when she was in her room and they were just waiting outside to see if she would budge. She never did.

Niall wasn't allowed in Melanie's room. June and Zoe knew what he did to her. He was the only one that didn't.

Melanie listened to the conversation going on outside her door. After the horrible way she's been acting to her friends, they still stood up for her. They put up with her bitchy attitude for days on end, but they still cared enough to send away her cause of depression. So Melanie decided to back them up.

She opened her room door, held her head high, cleared her throat and let it all out.

"You should listen to them Niall," she spoke firmly.

"But Melanie they want me to leave," Niall said shoulders dropping.

"I know what they want. It's what we want. So go," Melanie didn't know what came over her, but she didn't want it to go away.

"Oh...... I guess I'll go then." Niall frowned and turned around walking down the stairs and out the front door of Melanie's house. When Melanie heard the door close she enveloped Zoe and June in a huge hug.

"Thank you..." was all she managed to get out before the tears started flowing.

Zoe and June didn't say anything, they just hugged back. They stayed in their comfortable silence as Melanie let out all the tears she was holding back, and none of the girls could be happier.

Lost one, Found one.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz