Chapter 9: Preparing for a Fight

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"Dead? What do you mean he's dead? He can't be, who would have done that to him?" said Techno, who was in complete shock knowing his younger brother is dead.

"Techno he came up to us today in the form of a ghost. A lava ghost! He died by lava, someone had killed him. I'm sure about it."

Techno felt blood rushing up to his head. He became more and more angry knowing that someone killed his younger brother. The voices started to all say the same thing, Blood for the Blood God. All of them wanted revenge for the death of his brother. He wanted to kill the one who had killed his brother.

"Do you know who killed him?" asked Techno, holding up his axe of peace.

"No, but whoever did it shall die. I will kill whoever has killed him."

"No, Philza Minecraft. WE will kill whoever killed Tommy. They need to pay for Tommy's death. He was my last brother, Phil. My youngest brother! I promised to protect him even though he had betrayed me. I'm still his older brother. I should've just brought him to my house when he got exiled."

Philza hugged Techno, both of them silently crying. That was the first time in such a long time since Technoblade has cried. Even when Wilbur died he never cried, he was too busy trying to destroy L'manberg. Helping Wilbur destroy L'manberg. Regret came back and hurt Techno so much because of it. How many times Tommy begged him not to do it and how he tried to even fight him. Tommy's scream when he watched Wilbur blow up the land.

"Theseus is gone." Techno quietly said to himself.

"I know. I know, Techno. We need to be prepared and find his killer. Get revenge for Tommy's death, understand?"

"I understand Phil. We need to avenge Tommy. Who killed him must pay for what they have done. We need to start getting ready."

They both nodded and started brewing potions and making weapons to fight. The search for him will be long and hard, but they both knew it would be worth it in the end. To find Tommy's killer and make them pay. Whether it is sending them to jail or their death. They were both willing to kill whoever had done it.

While brewing potions Techno remembered a memory from when they were younger. When Tommy got lost and he had to go find him. That he had found him sitting in a cave afraid of everything around him. How Techno almost died from a creeper while blocking the blast from hurting Tommy. How when they got home and Phil was so worried about them and immediately went to help Techno. Tommy went into his room later that night and said thank you for saving him. When he promised to protect Tommy ever since that day.

"Techno?" piped up Phil, "Was I ever a good father to Will and Tommy?"

"I thought so. You cared for all of us, but trained me a lot. Don't think it was your fault since Tommy is dead. You are a good father. You always protected us and wanted us to be safe. Sometimes you would care for me a little more, but still cared for both of them. Don't be hard on yourself."

"Thank you Techno. Sometimes I feel like a horrible father since Will died. When I killed him. I mean he can only remember the good memories now. And Tommy...he can't even remember who anyone is."

"What do you mean can't remember?"

" He doesn't even know who we are, Techno, He doesn't know he was or who I am. His own dad. He thought I was Tubbo and even asked me if I was Your Tubbo. Do you think he forgot everything?"

"I don't think he forgot everything. He probably just can't remember right now and is still scared because everything might be new to him. I don't know how he would forget you or Tubbo. I hope he will remember soon."

"I pray so too. I want my son back. I want them both to be alive again. It feels like I am losing everyone around me. First, your mother, then Wilbur, and now Tommy. I might be the cause of everyone's death."

"It's not your fault at all Phil. You didn't cause their deaths." said Techno, while holding up a splash potion of harming, "I fully will find that person and kill for what they have done."

All the voices in Techno's head began to all say nearly the same thing. Avenge him! Blood for the Blood God. He was just a boy. Kill them. Death to them. Techno agreed to all of them and did what they said. He was ready for a fight that he would win.

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