chapter 27

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"The Inquisitorial Squad," Draco exhaled giddily. He was laying on his bed next to Thalia and he was holding his golden pin up to the ceiling light. Thalia smiled at her best friend as he dropped the pin on his stomach by accident and he fumbled around with it. 

"And we're the leaders," Thalia laughed. Apparently, Umbridge suspected of Dumbledore forming a group of students to practice magic secretly and the Inquisitorial Squad was supposed to find out what they were up to and bust them.

"I'm writing to Father about this," Draco bragged. 

Theo exited the bathroom in a grey tee and black sweatpants as he trudge over to his bed. The blonde shook his wet hair against the towel before draping it at the foot of his bed and collapsing in the center. "Do you think there's actually a group?" Theo asked.

"Obviously not," Thalia huffed, rolling her eyes. "If there was, don't you think we would've been invited? We're probably the most skilled people in Hogwarts and no one even acknowledges it."

"We wouldn't get invited because everyone knows we support the Dark Lord," Theo opposed. He stared up at the blank ceiling strangely. Theo had also been recruited for the Inquisitorial Squad but he wasn't as excited about it.

"Yes, but they could've been smart and told us about training people, but not tell us the reason. They could've had Draco teaching Potions," Thalia explained. Draco had ranked 1st in Potions in their year but no one even noticed. 

"Theo would teach Defense Against the Dark Arts," Thalia motioned. Since he was skilled in the Dark Arts, he was also skilled in defenses and would've been a great help in Dumbledore's little group.

"Blaise would teach Occulumens," the brunette continued. Blaise was a skilled Legilimens and could teach Occulumens, which was defense against Legilimens. "And I could teach wand work."

"They probably weren't smart enough to think about that," Blaise shrugged. "I don't think they would've trusted us enough to invite us anyway. They hate us."

"Facts, brother," Draco said. "Their hatred for us blinds their rationality."

"Fucking idiots," Theo scoffed. "I hate Dumbledore and I hate Gryffindors and Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. I hate the whole lot of them."

"Me too," Thalia said. If all of them were being truthful, they'd never hated Dumbledore or Gryffindors or Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs. Slytherins only hate people who hate them, not the other way around. 

Slytherins were always disliked and bullied, but Draco and Thalia were the ones that stood out. The ones that didn't take shit from anyone and bullied their way through life, to prevent themselves from being bullied.

"Let's go," Thalia exclaimed. She hopped off Draco's bed and clapped her hands, signalling for the rest of them to get up. "Let's go out and we're going to make them pay! All of them are going to be sorry they were ever mean to us!" 

Draco and Theo started to shift around but Blaise didn't like the idea of bullying as much as the others did. He preferred to stay neutral, to not get involved. "Come on!" Thalia urged. "Draco, get Crabbe and Goyle and meet us in the common room."

Draco left the dorm and Blaise started to get to his feet while Theo threw on his sweater. Theo tossed one of his black sweaters at Thalia and the girl put it over her tank so she wasn't completely exposed.

Thalia put her pin on the sweater and fixed her hair in the mirror. Blaise opened the door to the dorm and Theo slung his arm around Thalia's shoulders as the Slytherins left the dorm room and entered the common room.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were waiting by the exit of the common room, all showing off the gold pin that Umbridge had given them. 

Theo removed his arm from Thalia's shoulders and they all fell in line, Thalia and Draco in the front with Theo and Blaise trailing, and Crabbe and Goyle were last. The Slytherins walked out of the dungeons and into the hall where many students were still passing. 

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