23 : I Love You

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Erik's POV

I heard her say: " Yeah, sure, ' followed by the door's shutting noise. Jackson Hyung came back again and sat near me on a stool.

" What's wrong, Rayon-ah? " he stroked my hair gently, making a move to calm me. I instantly felt at home, I opened my eyes looking at him.

" I'm fine, Hyung. "

" You aren't, brother. What's happening to you? Care to explain, Rayon. "

" Nothing much, Hyung. Everything is good. " I forced a smile, but he gave the same unamused look as he was already habitat to my fake smiles.

" So, what do you plan to do with Natasha? "

" Nothing, "

" What do you mean nothing? " he shot a confused glance at me.

" Nothing means nothing, Hyung. There's nothing to do with her. "

" Don't you want to tell her that you're her mate who's destined for her in this world?" he asked slowly, choosing between words and I shook my head.

" What are you going to do, Rayon-ah ?" he hissed, bored of my answers.

" I don't know, Hyung."

" You're being stubborn to look after your destiny, little brother. Whatever you wonder and whatever you do, you'll simply end up with her, your mate, in your destined destination in the end. " he thickly expressed with a clear face.

" I wish I would. " I slowly mumbled and made sure that he couldn't hear that, but after all, he was my brother. He ruffled my hair while picking his inner cheek.

" I have good hearing, brother. "

" Sometimes I wish that you shouldn't have been born as a werewolf, Hyung. " I huffed in annoyance to which he chuckled with a rumble of his chest.

" Okay, jokes apart, your mate will be in her tons of imaginary portals by now, so it's better to show up in front of her as soon as possible. " he rambled, pulling me up from the bed.

I grinned at what he said and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and ruffled my hair.

" Don't worry little one, everything is for your good and be careful around Natasha. Stay safe. "

" I will, Hyung. "

We went out from there and Natasha barged in while biting her nails nervously. She came toward me and touched my chin to check if I was okay or not. I gave her a little reassuring smile.

" So, Mrs Taison– " When Jackson Hyung also tried to go along with the nurse's statement to trick us, he was interrupted by Natasha saying: " It's Kim, doctor. "

" Okay, Mrs Kim, now please come and take your seat. " he smiled widely, taking off his mask. When Natasha blinked several times to think of what she said, her eyes grew wide looking at Hyung. I think it's because My twin hyungs were identical.

" Professor, what are you doing here ?!!" she screamed in utter shock, her hands instinctively going to cover her mouth.

He nervously smiled while looking back and forth but came up with a good excuse as soon as possible.

" Oh, I-I think you got me wrong, I'm Dr Fransis Jackson. I guess you have seen my twin brother, Fransis Tenison. "

" Oh, you're his twin?! I didn't think of it like that. But-but nice to meet you though, " she said with a genuine smile.

" Okay, please take your seat guys, "

Natasha hurriedly sat at a seat and gazed at him with her full concentration.

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