1 : Murder

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Author's POV

Thundering with the low grunting of the lightning along with the shower of rain, a mind-boggling scream went off followed by a male's voice that called from the other side. 

' Oh, Mrs Cain, sorry that your husband wanted me to inform you that he wouldn't be making it home today on time.  ' 

' Don't worry, Mrs Cain. I'll take good care of him Throughout the night. He denounced us an hour ago, so as the kindest prince, I'm in honour of doing something that cannot be forgotten by your whole family even for ages. I'll tell him goodbye on your behalf, Mrs Cain. Thank you. ' 

Mr Cain who was on the floor struggling to breathe with boots stomping over his throat like a rock looked up, terrified. 

Over him was a handsome young man in his late twenties seated on an armchair wearing a neat white suit that was sprinkled with a few red droplets of Cain's blood. He looked down at Mr Cain with a toothy grin showing off his darkened ebony eyes.

" Good for you Mr Cain that you were able to hear your wife's voice for the last time. " 

" No! " Mr Cain screamed when he pressed his boot shoe on his throat. The intense pain made Mr Cain shuffle searching for something to hold on to. He desperately tried to take a breath for a whole minute only to stop in the meanwhile. 

Cain's eyes ghosted the ceiling as the prince stepped back snickering to himself. Men in black rushed inside the chamber escorting the now dead Mr Cain where he belongs. 

" Your highness, " A woman called bowing down to the prince who immediately gave her a warm smile as if he didn't murder a person a minute ago. 

" What is it? " The prince husked with the same smile. She stood up with a parchment scroll in her hand that had a symbol of a majestic green wolf. 

" The Royal King has sent you his invitation for a royal assembly in the north, Your Highness. " She simply said before reading out the parchment in a loud voice. 

" Dear Prince Yongchul, 

As per the growing contraction between our countries we as the elders want to sign a peace treaty with you and your country. We never want to hurt any of our peasants and children. If that's fine, we request you to come and join us in the royal assembly of our neighbour royals in Northern Cambodia. 

Yours faithfully

The Kings of Cambodia " 

Prince Yongchul smiled, rubbing his temple as if he was thinking. His lips tugged upward in a smile. No one would've expected the royal kings to send him an invitation to sign a peace treaty with the countries which have always been in conflict for more than a millennium. 

" Write them a parchment back. I'm– " Before Yongchul could tell her what he wanted her to write, he felt a heat rush through his veins up to his brain. 

" Get out! " He growled to the woman who looked startled but immediately bounded out of the chamber within seconds. 

' Yongchul-ah, ' A croaky voice more like a half-whisper sounded deep inside from Yongchul's brain. He took a breath. 

" Yes, Majesty. " 

' You don't need to attend the assembly. ' The voice of his majesty said more like ordered. 

" Okay, Majesty. " Yongchul didn't question back but agreed with a single nod. 

' The assembly's not going to happen. The disaster is coming to dawn. ' 

Yongchul's eyebrows met in confusion but soon he bit his upper lip in realisation. The disaster. 

" He's coming. " 

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