18 : Just a friend

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When he was out of sight, a guy approached Natasha with the crushed paper in his hand.

" Hey, " he called.

" Hello? "

" I think you look beautiful. " he said bluntly, smiling as Natasha screwed her eyebrows in confusion. She had never seen that guy in college before and why is he telling her that she's beautiful?

He was tall and good looking. He was a redhead. Natasha couldn't help but to notice that his jaw line was sharper and his fitness seemed higher than her grades.

" I beg your pardon, Mr. "

" Nothing serious. I thought I should tell you, you were beautiful. " he smiled.

" Thanks? " Natasha seemed still confused.

" I'm no harm to you, for your information. I just visited this college. They call me Kedrick Knight. You can call me Knight, "

" I'm Natasha, may I help you with something else if you want? "

" Oh, could you please show me the way out of the college? So that in the meantime I could just talk with you. "

" Sir-, I think- " Natasha hesitated to answer. She's never been approached like this. She wasn't in that habitat to socialise with people straight away.

" Calm down, I just want to talk. I've a wife and I'm not going to cheat on her with anyone. Trust me, " he said. Natasha cracked a smile.

" Sorry. I've never been approached like this. I'll show you the way and you don't seem like a werewolf? If you don't mind me asking, "

They began walking to the floor from the ground as Natasha asked frowning.

" Oh, I'm not. "

" But you don't look like a human. You look... paler than one. " She couldn't help but to judge the guy's handsome yet pale face.

" I can't help it, Ms, " Knight shrugged it off like it was nothing when he actually looked paler than a ghost could. He was wearing a turtleneck sweater beneath a tuxedo blazer in the middle of an intense sunny day.

" I'm sorry, I've never seen a human walk in the ground like you. You're something.... different. "

" Thanks for being honest. I'm from a different species that I can't generalise in detail. "

" Suspicious, " Natasha said.

" I promise I'm not. You seem like you were in search of someone before I approached you, May I ask who? " Knight said, taking a look at his hand watch.

" Oh, I was searching for a certain golden eyed vampire, " Natasha said, rolling her eyes as Knight kept indulging into her thing.

" Golden eyed vampire? You've seen him? " Knight stopped walking with an intense look over Natasha.

" Yes. A couple times, "

" Impossible, " Knight whispered, staring at the poor girl intensely as if it could suddenly give him answers for his unknown questions.

" What? "

" Nothing. " he said, walking before her with his hands tucked inside his pant's pocket.

" Do you somehow know something about the vampire? " Natasha inquired carefully, taking a look around herself.

" I do, but that doesn't mean no one did, Ms. Every one of the werewolves in the world knows about a certain vampire who had golden eyes. " He stopped as if it was impossible for her to not know about the vampire.

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