58: Golden Phoenix

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Author's POV 

" Brook! There's a wolf out there in the doorway of our home! " A woman in her mid-twenties yelled running into her wooden house passing various floors and adjacent rooms to the main staircase that leads to the uppermost floor of the superstructure. 

" Princess! I told you to be in your chamber! " A mistress shrieked on seeing the princess of the Witch clan roaming around the common house as if it was nothing when there's a big danger out there in the name of 'Werewolves' 

" It's not like I'm going to die or what? Let me out, Mam! This is the 21st century! " The princess squealed, now fleeing again. 

She's Laura Valentine. Only female heir of the Golden Phoenix Witch Clan who happened to have turned 23 last week. Her brother Brook Valentine, rules a Sorcerer's Island in the Northern territory. 

The island is called the ' Golden Phoenix Witch Clan ' due to its richness in the power of witches. Every sorcerer who gets to rule the island is domestically elected by the people of the clan. 

As per the Valentine family, Laura was the only Witch of their family excluding her mother who came from the Tylor Witch Clan. 

Occasionally sorcerers live in a group of islands near the polar regions. Each island has a head known as the governor/executive who rules and protects the people. 

These islands are a bunch of lands that come under the control of the 4th Royal, Serena Tylor, witches of all witches as we know. 

But still, like every other clan and tribe, Witch clans are allies to the only empire, Cambodia. Brook and his supporters are loyal to their Royal Kings. 

Sorcerers or Witches and Wizards are not that evil. There's still a group of sorcerers who follow the white magic of all time. They may be unpredictable and of uncertain character-neither completely good nor completely evil. Their treatment of humans may depend on how they are treated by them. 

" Laura Valentine! He's from the Cambodian Empire. I dare you to disrespect our allies! " The powerful sorcerer of the Golden Phoenix came down with thundering steps, styling his long golden hair in a man-bun, as he hurriedly swung off his leather blazer aside.  His sister momentarily stopped with a shrug, her purple hair barely moving from the run, as she annoyingly scratched her neck. 

" It's his fault that he suddenly emerged from nowhere! " 

" I apologise for doing that again. " Someone said, suddenly appearing right beside Laura startling her. 

" Mr Kim, I sincerely apologise for what my sister did. " Brook said on behalf of his sister who didn't look pleased by Mr Kim's re-appearance. 

" It must be my fault. Executive Brook, I came here in the order of our Royal Kings. " Mr Kim aka Tenison smiled before handing a manuscript to the Executive, barely taking a short look at the princess. 

After Luna Jwan got to know about the Epsilon appearance all over his land's border in many of the far away clans, he ordered Tenison to go visit the nearest one. 

" I'm glad that Your Royal Majesty got my message. Please come in, Mr Kim. " Brook said, welcoming Tenison inside his office cabin. 

Tenison made his way inside the wooden office room that had a huge metal table in the centre. The room had a huge tree that branches had stretched all over the room with several small doors for drawers. The tree was a shelf that had a stone bench around every corner. He noticed various objects around the room which are certainly made of ice. It's not that surprising to discover a sorcerer here in the clan who might have the ice powers as they already are living in one of the ice mountains of Ukiyo. 

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