A/N: Thank You

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Hello, Lovelies!

This is Dhi_SJ aka DhiraDhi_Writes, writer of the novel ' Monstrous Sarang and the World Ukiyo '

I'm glad and heavenly thankful to you for travelling with me towards the end.

And by ' END ' I didn't mean the literal end of the novel as it could take couple more millenniums- just kidding! Couple more books to complete your whole travel with Kim Erik Taison and Kwang Natasha Allara Dark.

( Don't ask me why they have such a long name, 'cause I don't know as well. )

Monstrous Sarang is actually a whole big series of novel which will eventually continue with the next book in coming June or so on.

I apologise for taking such a big gap between the next book which is because I unexpectedly got stuck into a whirl of board exams which is coming towards me within a month and I haven't prepared anything expect the first two or three chapters in my main subjects.

So, I kindly requests you guys to wait for me. But I can entertain you with one of my another story or something else or would go duck somewhere in a bush so you wouldn't look for me. (Sorry!)

But, yeah, I'll start the next book in June of 2022 or it might take a year because who knows how long it would be for me to complete important two short years of my life?!

I'm so sorry for blabbering and is heartily thankful again if you're still reading because I'm just over excited and anxious as I completed a book!

( It's certainly not my first book to be completed...but still MS is the only series that I started writing a year or so ago. So, nevermind, I can be super anxious! )

Finally, I'm putting an end to the awkward A/N I created because I was- I'm sorry, I'm starting my explanations again.

Thanks for all your precious comments though you're a silent reader or have never pressed the star buttons and interacted with me in comments, I'm still thankful for your presence with the novel.

I'll be back with the second book in June. Until then, see you later! Love you!

With luv



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