66 : I Need You

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Author's POV

" ERIK! "

No one did expect Natasha to run into them all of a sudden to hold on to Erik who suddenly got stabbed out of nowhere by a woman who appeared from God knows from where.

Amanda Youkai, a Retoryx just like her parents had lived in the ice mountains for more than countable millenniums. She had developed ice powers unlike her normal parents and was extra capable of doing anything with ice as now the weapon inside Erik was cutting through him due to the sharp spikes of ice growing through it.

" Get away from my way! " Natasha whirled around facing the grey-haired girl, her eyes swelling with tears as Erik struggled, clutching his stomach that still had the weapon stabbed to his intestines.

Though he was in agony, he still had his eyes stabilized on Amanda's eyes. She looked somewhat pleased while inhaling a puff of breath by her mouth.

" Amanda... I– " Erik tried to tell something as he tried to straighten up, but the ice spiked further inside him as he felt the pain growing time by time.

" No! No, stop! " Natasha screamed, trembling with raw panic, her hands shuddered to touch him as if her mere touch could break him.

" Natcha, please don't go near her! " Erik cried out to his mate who constantly tried to fight her off for her mate.

" Amanda! Get away from him! " Janet barked, stepping in front of everyone as everyone around them was frozen on their feet because of Amanda's powers. 

" If you step forward, I'll instantly kill him with just a flick of my hand. " Amanda spoke, her eyes barely moving away from Erik as Janet momentarily halted in her steps, she looked back at Scarlett begging to do something to stop her daughter while Scarlett herself seemed surprised.

Amanda was always known as the psychotic one among the Youkai as she couldn't keep her hands to herself while seeing some people who might give off her some bad vibes. She often managed to get into trouble, dragging her whole family with her to suffer just because of her psychotic disorder.

It was she, who found the destination of the pond Ojo Iwaju earlier and revealed it to her parents a month ago. Both Amanda and Alishia were different polar while being compared. Daiki had to make a new identity for Amanda so that she could live a life on Earth away from the Retoryx like in Ukiyo which had changed her like an animal as that was how Amanda Youkai was presumed to be in her parent's point of view.

But right now, even after assuring her parents that she'd never try to harm any of the living creatures again, she stabbed a True blood and a Prince to be exact who's most likely ten times stronger than her.

" Kim Erik Taison, you do remember me, don't you? Do you remember the last time you saw me? When I was alone, when I was in the human world... Do you remember the day when you took something that valued a whole universe to me? Do you know how much it could cost now? " Amanda asked, stepping forward, her fingers twirling slowly while the weapon inside Erik, spiked along farther making him hiss in misery.

" I– Ah... Amanda! " Erik struggled, his chest rose up and down for free breath while his eyes watered. " No! Stop whatever the hell you're doing to him! " Natasha screamed, standing in between them. It didn't take a second for Amanda to push her aside again as she walked to Erik and grabbed on the weapon while something white passed through her fingers throughout the weapon leading to Erik stiffening, whimpering in pain.

" Someone help me! Erik, Erik! " Natasha cried, but no one moved nor they could. Amanda had frozen all of them even before they could realise what happened. Janet and the Youkai were the only people who weren't frozen including Natasha who was crying out on the floor.

Though Natasha tried, again and again, to push off Amanda from Erik, she was yet shoved away by Amanda as she was stronger than the human.

Natasha broke down as Erik slowly looked at her, pleasing for her to come to him. He wanted to touch her and he was murmuring something within himself with tears flowing down his cheek.

" Please...Natcha... Please– come...come to me... " he choked, stretching his hands to hold her though Amanda was threatening him with her foamy blue eyes.

" Please! Please, let him live! Let him live, please– I–I beg your mercy! Please, let my mate live! Please, don't kill him! Please–please let my mate free! I beg you! Please! Don't kill him! " It was when Amanda noticed her actually.

" Natasha... " Amanda whispered, her hands falling on either side as if she suddenly looked burdened out of something that have been on her back for more than years she could count. Everything happened in a blink. Erik took a huge breath, coughing out blood as he finally released a sigh glancing at his mate.

" Oh my... " Amanda breathed, her voice breaking as Natasha broke down before her in painful sobs, kneeling on the ground when Erik also tumbled down on his back, his cardigan soaked with his crimson blood.

Amanda fell to her knees, her hands trembling as Natasha held her hands in an act of mercy. Praying for every God she knows for Amanda to let her mate live. She would never withstand the sight of seeing her love being laid on the ground lifeless.

" Please, please, please, please, let him live. Please, please, please, don't kill him. Please! " The mere thought made her cry like a newborn baby. Natasha wasn't concentrating on anyone else but Amanda. She was sobbing into Amanda's hands. She was crying her heart out in pain while Erik wasn't attempting anything to stop both of them.

" You wouldn't beg me if you've learnt what he did to me. " Amanda whispered, her eyes brushing past Erik's grief-filled eyes with fury.

" Please, whatever he did, whatever that happened, please, please– Don't kill him. I want him...please... Please... I beg for your mercy. "

" You don't understand my pain! I should've killed him at first sight! Because... " Amanda broke down in the loudest howl that Natasha have ever heard.

" he killed my baby! "

The single sentence shattered each one of their hearts as everyone wanted to cry out that it wasn't true. But Amanda's true agony and Erik's deep pause talked something else in the eerie silence.

With a pang of untold guilt spread over his face, Erik finally stopped struggling with the pain and collapsed on his back, followed by Natasha's eyes starring at him with surprise and before whatever she could express he fell into the void of darkness swarmed with only silence and in his mate's arms who hugged him with all her might followed by her slow whisper brushing with the last piece of consciousness.

" I still love you, Erik– I..I... I still– need you by my side. "


Written By : DhiraDhi_Writes

End on : 2nd of April 2022

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