6. Stay With Me?

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I'm still leaning against the counter, when Gerard comes back downstairs. He steps into the kitchen, now wearing a pair of Star Wars pajama pants and matching t-shirt, he chuckles lightly at my state "you alright Sugar?" He asks, stepping up to me, a playful smirk crossing his face. "Y-yeah, I'm f-fine..." I manage to breathe out, at which he chuckles and puts his hands on my waist. He gently runs his fingers over the spot on my neck, which I could tell had already bruised over. "Damn, I'm sorry about that Pixie..." he trails off, moving his hand up to my cheek, "I didnt mean to leave such a visible mark, I just... you're so fucking beautiful and I couldn't he-" I cut him off, pressing my lips to his. "It's alright, at least everyone will know I'm yours..." I smirk, looking up at him and his eyes widen at my sudden change in demeanor.

He chuckles as I playfully wink, "you're right. Now, food? It's gonna get cold," he smiles, which I return and we both grab our food, rushing to the couch in the living room. He plops down in the corner of the couch and I set my food onto the coffee table, before digging through the movie shelf. "F/M?" I ask and he chuckles "whatever you want Princess," he says gently and I feel a small amount of heat drift up into my face as I put the disk into the BlueRay player.

I stand up, grabbing my food and plopping down on the couch beside him. "Aww, Y/N, you're blushin' doll..." he teases, lifting my chin up to face him "sh-shut up..." I giggle lightly and he smiles, "you're to cute hun." He states and pushes play on the remote as the menu comes up.

~After The Movie~

Our food containers have been long forgotten on the coffee table as I lay between Gerards knees, my back resting against his chest. The credits roll by and I let out a small yawn, "tired?" He asks and I nod, turning a little, so I'm in between laying on my stomach and side, resting my head just beneath his chin. "Alright c'mon then..." he says quietly, picking up and carrying me up the stairs to my room.

Once we make it, he gently lays me on my bed and pulls the blankets over me. He turns to walk out and I gently grab his arm "stay with me?" I ask and he smiles "sure doll, just let me go clean up our mess real quick..." I says gently and I nod as he leans down, placing a kiss to my forehead. He leaves and I lay there, fighting sleep, waiting for him to come back.

Soon, he comes back up and climbs under the blankets with me, pulling me to his chest. I smile, snuggling closer to him, and he wraps his arms around my waist. "G'night Sugar..." he whispers and I let out a small hum in response, before falling asleep to the sound of his gentle breathing.


Hiya, sorry its shorter than usual (520 words to be exact, not counting this author's note...)

I'll try to put out a longer chapter tomorrow :)

I just havent been in much of a mood to write today, but I wanted to put out a chapter, if that makes any sense...

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