17. You're So Difficult...

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When we make it to our lockers, he sighs heavily and walks over to the guys... and Veronica. Fuckin' bitch. She immediately latches onto his arm and he shakes her off "get off me," he growls and she giggles "what, dont want the little sprite to see you moved on?" She asks, "I didn't move on, I dont want a short term relationship based on teenage hormones, which is obviously what you want. Also, she's not a Sprite, she's a pixie, how many times does someone need to correct you?" He quotes me, I see him glance at me in the corner of my eye. He was actually listening? "Oh, so you're quoting her now? That's cute, but you know I'm better for you Geeee." She drags out the nickname, wrapping her arms around him. I bite the inside of my cheek, waiting to see if he stops her. "Dont call me that," he shoves her off of him once more, her smirk drops into a scowl.

She glares at me and that's when I snap, I turn and face her "What?" I ask, annoyance laced through my voice. She turns back to Gerard "Has she not fuckin made it clear that she doesn't wanna be around you?" She shouts in his face and I step up to her, "actually, I'm giving him some time to fix this, and HE clearly doesnt wanna be around YOU so if you would please fuck off and be a slut somewhere else that would be nice," I say, an innocently sweet smile taking over my face as I speak, I notice Frank smirking at my reaction and my smile drops. Fuckin' asshole...

"Fine." She scoffs, walking off towards her own locker, "thanks Sugar," Gerard says with a bright smile. "Dont call me that please... I'm just tired of her fucking voice," I mumble and he looks down "right, sorry Y/N." He corrects himself as I grab my books out of my locker. "Oh! Let me walk you to class!" He says excitedly as the five minute bell rings, "no, thanks I-" I cut myself off as I catch Frank glaring at me, "what did we talk about?" He mouths and nod, remembering our agreement. "Okay, sure, let's just get going..." I say quietly and he smiles, stepping beside me.

We have the same math class, so he follows me in and takes his seat beside me. We had partner work, and of course I partnered with Gerard. All throughout class, I catch him stealing glances at me and smiling lightly as I explain how to do some of the work, I laugh as I come to a part I'm not so great at. "I uh... I dont really know where to go from there," I giggle out and he smiles "that's alright su-" he cuts himself off, clearing his throat, "-Y/N, we'll figure it out." I smile and nod "yeah, I'm sure we will Gee." I say quietly and he locks eyes with me "wait you can use nicknames but I can't?" He laughs and I nod, "god(s) your difficult..." he whispers, "it's my job," I smile.

Math finally ends, and Gerard walks me to history, crossing the hall to his class once he's sure I'm inside. I plop down in my seat and sigh, he turns to me smiling, an expectant look in his eyes. "What?" I laugh, "I saw how you were lookin' at eachother!" He whisper shouts "you want him and he wants you, it's obvious, just forgive him already." He says the last part a little more seriously, laughing lightly.

My next class passes slowly as I wait for lunch. When the class finally ends and we're released to lunch, I grab my stuff to rush out to the bleachers. I speed walk out of the class room, rushing to throw my books into my locker. As I turn back around, I see a hand resting against the locker on one side of me. "hello Gerard," I giggle, turning to look at him, he smiles "Hi!" He says excitedly, propping himself up with the hand resting on the locker beside me. "What are you so excited about?" I ask, smile widening. "I get to hang out with the most beautiful girl in Jersey," he smiles and I look st the floor as a bright red takes over my face. My mind fogs up and my smile drops slightly "Frank says I just forgive you already," I chuckle and he tilts his head "so why dont you?" He asks, his eyes soften from pure excitement to gentle and caring.

"Theres just so much going on right now Gerard..." I trail off, looking down. "What's goin' on sugar?" He risks the nickname, pausing to see if I correct him, he smiles lightly when I don't. He rests a hand on my cheek, lifting my face gently to look at him, "whatever it is, I wanna help you through it..." I smile gently and unconsciously lean into his palm. "I dont wanna dump it all on you..." I say quietly as he runs his thumb gently across my cheek, "go ahead doll, I can't help if I dont know what's happening..." he trails off and I smile "alright..."

"Obviously, you already know about what happened friday..." I then tell him about the razor issue, Frank helping me through everything, and the call I got the night before. Once I'm finished, I'm holding back tears and he pulls me into a protective hug, I bury my head in his chest and allow my tears to fall. He runs a hand through my hair, using the other to hold me to him and rub my back as a sort of comfort. "Shh, it'll be alright Sugar... I know it's hard to lose someone you're close to..." he says quietly as I clutch onto his shirt. "Thank you Gee..." I whisper as my tears slow and and I pull away carefully. "Hey," he gently lifts my chin up between his index finger and thumb, "I'll always be here for you Y/N... you're the most important thing in my life, well beside Mikey and Mom of course," he chuckles, bringing a smile to my face. "There it is," a wide grin takes over his face, I really missed him...

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