15. He's Gonna Fix This...

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~Friday Night, The Aftermath~

I watch as she carefully takes the hoodie from Franks hands, pulling it on and flashing him a sad smile, before walking out of the house. As soon as she's outside, he walks back over to me and Veronica. He looks toward her "I thought I told you to get out of my fuckin' house?" He snaps and her eyes widen as she quickly rushes away. She always was a little freaked out by Frank.

He then stomps over to me "you're gonna fucking fix this Gerard, I may not of liked her in the beginning. But you drug her into this, shes a part of our group now, the rest of us are gonna be there for her, whether you're in the picture or not." He says, glaring at me, "I dont know if I CAN fix this..." I trail off, looking at the floor. A dark chuckle passes through his lips "you better find a fucking way. Now get out of my damn house so I can cool down," he says seriously.

~back home~

When I make it home, Veronica is in my room, along with a very pissed off Mikey. "What is SHE doing here? Does Y/N know about this?" He asks and I look towards the floor. He left the party early so he doesnt exactly know what happened. I sigh and he narrows his eyes "you got drunk didnt you?" He asks I cross my arms, a little ashamed of myself "Gerard we talked about this, you gotta take it slow..." he says gently. I nod and send Veronica home.

I then begin to tell Mikey about the events before, during and after the party. After I explain everything I put my head in my hands, "She thinks I've been playing her Mikey..." he rests a hand on my shoulder, "then show her you havent been. Stay away from Veronica, try your best to make it up to Y/N." He says seriously and I nod, "plus, why would you of taken her to the party after all that?" He asks and i shrug "she said she was okay with it," "Gerard, she had literally just told you about her abusive mother and self-harm, you should've like... I dont know, stayed here and cuddled or something," He shrugs.


I walk to school, hoping to avoid Veronica, which doesnt happen since she immediately attaches herself to my arm when I walk into the school building. I groan and try to shake her off, but she has a death grip she refuses to release.

A few minutes after we make it to my locker and start talking with the guys, Y/N shows up. I could see the corner of a bandage peeking out from the sleeve of her oversized sweater, oh pixie... I hope that's not what I think it is... she keeps her head low, as to not make eye contact. I try to walk to her, but Veronica grabs my wrist "where ya goin' Gee?" She asks "don't call me that." I growl and try to shake her hand off my wrist.

She messes with her locker for about a minute, before getting obviously frustrated and kicking it, she mutters something angrily in the direction of the inanimate object. I hear a giggle pass through Veronica's lips as she walks toward Y/N, I want to move to stop her, but it's as if my bodies frozen in place.

"Does the little Pixie need help with her locker? To incompetent to do it on your own Spr-" Veronica's sneering voice is cut off as Frank looks at me, shakes his head, and walks over to stop her. "Back off her," he shoves Veronica away from Y/N, "if you're gonna keep her around she's gonna stop being a bitch to Y/N Gerard..." he growls in my direction, before he turns back to Y/N, "Here, let me see it." He says gently and she steps to the side, allowing him to help with her locker. She quietly thanks him, "Oh! Here's your jacket back..." her voice is barely above a whisper. He smiles, taking the jacket from her hands as she grabs her books from the locker and closes it, running off towards first period.


I sit on the bleachers with Mikey, Ray and unfortunately Veronica. I had been trying to shove her off all day, but the bitch refuses to back off. "Anyone seen Frank?" Ray asks and Mikey shakes his head, as do I. Veronica giggles "probably off somewhere with the little pastel girl," she smirks "if you dont shut up, I swear to god I'm gonna push you down the damn bleachers..." I growl at her and she glares at me "what's your problem, you act like you're not the one who initiated Friday night!" She shouts and I glare at her "I was fucking drunk!" I shout back, that's when Frank decides to show up. He steps up to the bleachers, fuming with anger. Ah shit... "you're gonna fix this Gerard," he says seriously and I nod "I know, I'm working on it, I cant get this bitch to leave me the fuck alone long enough to talk to Y/N," I say quietly. "Well you need to hurry up with it, cause she's broken and I dont know how much longer she has until she shatters..." he trails off, Mikey looks up at him, concern clear on his face, poker face wiped away and long forgotten. "Wh-what happened? Is she okay" he asks Frank, who proceeds to look directly at me, giving a cryptic answer. "Any deeper and she definitely wouldnt of been..." it takes a moment before it clicks. The bandages... oh Y/N... no...

I put my head in my hands "I'm never drinking again, I swear it just fuckin' ruins everything. We were doing so well... I... I told her I loved her... and then this shit." Before now, Mikey has been the only other one to know of the events before the party. "You what?" Frank asks and I look up at him, sadness taking over my face "you... you love her?" I hear Veronica from beside me, her voice slightly quieter and smaller than usual. I let a light smile cross my face as I think about the beautiful E/C eyed girl, "yeah... yeah, I do..." I trail off, resting my head in my hands.

"If you really want her back, you're gonna have to prove it to her Gerard, the rest of us can help a bit, give you opportunities to do so, but we can't force her to take you back. Especially after that. You'll have to work for what you want..." Frank says seriously and the other guys nod. The bell rings, sending us to our last period.

I take a deep breath and stand up, "I'm gonna see what I can do in art." Just then a thought crosses through my brain, art. "I have an idea," I state, before rushing away. I stop halfway down the bleachers, "I have another idea, but it can wait-" I cut myself off "also, Veronica, if i catch you bothering her again you'll regret it." I smirk and her eyes widen, "o-okay," she gulps and I rush to the art room.

When I make it, Y/N is already there, in her regular seat. I smile and walk over, taking my place beside her "hey S-" she cuts me off "dont... Gerard... please just don't..." she whispers, focusing on her sketchbook. I didnt think that would work, oh well it was worth a shot. We still have to work on the partner portrait... I'm gonna get her back. I look at her as she focuses on her drawing, the way she scrunches up her face when she she makes a mistake and she bites her lip as she darkens a few of the outer lines. I smile, she's so perfect... I miss her...





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