Chapter 1

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"Caz, wake up," Albert groaned, trying to forcefully pull me out of bed. "Wes gonna be late if you don't get off ya rear end."

"Go away," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Race!" He yelled above my head. "Ya sista won't get up. Time for plan B." I cracked an eye open at that, glancing up at the redhead.

"I give ya a minute," he said with a lazy smirk, his blue eyes meeting my chocolate brown ones. I sent him a quick glare before snapping my eyes shut and rolling over.

"You're death, not mine," he laughed. The door squealed as it was pushed open by who I assumed to be my brother. I was determined to ignore them.

Stupidest mistake of my life.

I let out a loud shriek as the ice cold water hit my back, causing me to spring out of the now drenched blankets.

"Wes betta run," Albert whispered to my seventeen year old brother, who was doubled over in laughter.

"I don't think so DaSilva!" I yelled after the two boys. "Is swear I will get you back!"

"Hey Caz, yous got ten minutes before the bell rings," Specs said, popping his head into the room.

"Thanks," I muttered.

I ran to the bathroom and quickly shut the door before throwing on my normal attire: a pair of black pants, a blue flannel, and a black vest. Rolling the sleeves up to my elbows, I glanced in the mirror. I took in my long and matted, strawberry blonde hair and chocolate eyes. My cheeks were covered in dirt stains and my clothes were parched. I let out a dissatisfied sigh as my eyes trailed my frame. I wasn't large, my poor diet making sure of that, but no one would ever call me slim. And every time I looked in the mirror, I never saw what I wanted to see.

"Oy Caz! Yous almost done in dere?" Elmer's voice bled through the door making me jump. I pulled open the door and leaned against the frame, a grin overtaking my features.

"What's the rush Emmy?" He grinned before shoving me out of the way. I gave a laugh and ran down the stairs of the Lodge to meet up with the rest of the boys.

"They finally woke up the log," Mush said, walking up to me and ruffling my hair. I hit him with my hat, which I was currently holding in my hand, and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Wes all heard the shriek," Jojo said behind me. "Thought they had killed ya."

"They'll be the only ones dying taday," I said, forcing my hat onto my head. "Where are they anyway?"

"Hiding," Mush replied. "Shoulda seen your brotha. He couldn't 'ave gotten out of da Lodge any faster."

"Cowards," I said. Jojo laughed, bringing a smile to my face.

"We better get going if we wanna make it in time," Mush commented, grabbing the two of us and dragging us down the street.

"So, are you two up for helping with the payback?"

"Course," Jojo replied immediately. When I glanced at him, a question on my face, he grinned. "Ya brudda still has paid me since the last bet I beat 'im in."

"Depends on if it's gonna get me killed," Mush said.

"Probably not dat extreme."

"Let me know when I'm needed," he grinned.

"Hey Jackie!" I called out when we reached Newsies Square.

"Mornin' Caz," he said. "Santa Fe."

"Agh," I groaned, throwing my hands up in frustration. "Ya better start dreaming about somethin' different. That's the third time this week and it's only Thursday!" Jack and I had started a tradition long ago that the first time we saw each other in the morning we had to say what we dreamed about the night before. It was a kidish tradition, but we had started when he was ten and I was nine and neither of us had the heart to stop.

"Ya know ya love it," he said grinning at me.

"A beautiful cake which I got the pleasure of smashing in Alby's face." I raised my voice at the end of my statement, fully knowing that he and Race were somewhere around here.

"Way to ruin a perfectly good cake," Buttons called out.

"My face improved it," Albert said stepping into the open. "Yous not gonna kill me, are ya?"

I gave him my sweetest smile. "Not yet Alby. Now where's my idiot brother?"

"Boo!" He yelled in my ear, drawing a yelp of surprise from me. Laughter erupted around me and I smacked Race across the chest.

"Two times in one day and it's not even noon yet," Mush said. "Yous have a death wish or something, Racetrack?"

"Nah," he said draping his arm across my shoulder dramatically. Ever the drama queen, my brother was. "Just showing my sista here how much I love 'er."

"Ya have a funny way of showin' it," I retorted, poking him in the side.

"Eh, what can I say. Im as unique as they come." He grinned down at me, cigar hanging out of his mouth.

"Ain't nothing yous said 'as eva been truer," I laughed, grabbing his cigar and slipping out of his hold.

"Hey, that's mi cigar!" He complained.

"Oh, you'll steal anudda." He playfully glared at me before sticking his tongue out. 

Morris and Oscar showed up, opening the gate for us. I was about to step forward when the two of the appeared in front of me, blocking my way.

"Oy, ya wanna move it? I got places ta be," I said. Most of the boys had already moved on, but I couldn't help noticing Albert waiting patiently off to the side. I silently thanked him.

"We got a couple of words for ya, doll."

"First of all, don't call me that. And second, I don't care." I made a move to walk around them, but Oscar grabbed my arm. My gaze snapped down to his arm before I shot him a glare. "I'd remove your arm if I were you."

"We weren't done talking."

"I even asked nicely," I sighed. I caught his wrist with my hand and twisted, bringing a cry of pain from the boy. Morris reached out to grab me, but I spun, sending a hard kick to his shin. 

"Newsflash boys. I. Don't. Care." I rolled my eyes before strolling up to Albert who had his usual lazy smirk in place.

"You weren't planning on helping?" He shrugged.

"I knew you had it covered." He slipped his arm over my shoulder and led me to the line. "Me or Race?"

"I promised Race I would go with him taday. Said he wanted to catch up with his favorite sibling. I'm all yours tomorrow, though."

"Alright, see ya later," he said buying his papes and heading toward his selling spot.

"Let's go kid," Race called to me. "We ain't got all day."

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